- The bearing of arms is regulated by the law of arms. 紋章佩帶由紋章法加以規定。
- China stresses and supports the conclusion of arms control and disarmament agreements and treaties through negotiation. 中國重視並支持通過談判締結軍控與裁軍協議和條約。
- The theory that new American weapons weakened the prospects of arms control thrived. 所謂美國新武器削弱了武器控制前景的理論得到了蔓延。
- Acheson looked beyond the confines of his bureaucracy and joined with the Secretary of War in favor of arms control. 艾奇遜沒有局限於他所在的部門,而是與戰爭部長共同主張實行軍備控制。
- On the other, they resort to discriminative anti-proliferation and arms control measures, directing the spearhead of arms control at the developing countries. 另一方面則採取歧視性的防擴散和軍控措施,將軍控予頭指向發展中國家。
- When George Bush was elected president in 1988,Scowcroft became national security adviser and recruited Rice,who had impressed him with her knowledge of arms control. 1988年喬治·布希當選總統,被任命為國家安全顧問的斯考克羅夫特把賴斯招至麾下,就在於賴斯在軍控問題上的知識給他留下了深刻印象。
- The Chinese government highly stresses the importance of arms control and disarmament work,and takes it as an important component of its overall diplomacy and defense policy. 中國政府高度重視軍控與裁軍工作,並將其作為總體外交及國防政策的重要組成部分。
- On the other,they resort to discriminative anti-proliferation and arms control measures,directing the spearhead of arms control at the developing countries. 另一方面則採取歧視性的防擴散和軍控措施,將軍控予頭指向發展中國家。
- The Chinese government highly stresses the importance of arms control and disarmament work, and takes it as an important component of its overall diplomacy and defense policy. 中國政府高度重視軍控與裁軍工作,並將其作為總體外交及國防政策的重要組成部分。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我們須遵守當地的法律。
- In the field of arms control, China used to be a serious proliferator of missiles and missile components, and a significant seller of conventional arms. 在軍備控制方面,中國過去曾積極研製導彈和導彈部件,並出售大量傳統軍事武器。
- Who discovered the Law of Gravitation? 誰發現了引力定律?
- The coach bears the royal coat of arms. 這輛大馬車上有王室的盾形紋章。
- The Chinese government attaches great importance to the issue of arms control and disarmament, and works hard to promote the sound development of the international disarmament process. 中國政府高度重視軍控與裁軍問題,致力於推動國際裁軍進程的健康發展。
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛頓時的運動定律適用於地球上一切東西。
- She spoke of arms control policy and of a coming summit with the United States,but the writer could not quite get past the notion of a young black woman as an expert on Soviet affairs. 她談到了軍備控制政策和即將召開的美俄首腦會晤,但是筆者實在不明白一名年輕的黑人婦女是怎樣成為一位蘇聯問題專家的。
- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (議案)通過把立法議案制定為法律
- The Chinese government attaches great importance to the issue of arms control and disarmament,and works hard to promote the sound development of the international disarmament process. 中國政府高度重視軍控與裁軍問題,致力於推動國際軍控與裁軍進程的健康發展。
- The arms of a city or noble family is its coat of arms. 城市或顯赫家族的標誌是盾形紋徽。
- In 1995 China issued a white paper titled,China: Arms Control and Disarmament,which mainly describes China's substantial efforts and progress in the sphere of arms control and disarmament. 中國曾於1995年發表《中國的軍備控制與裁軍》白皮書,主要介紹了中國在軍控與裁軍領域的實際努力與進展。