- Price varies depending on actual cabin selection, cruise dates. You must check with us for latest update. 上述費用僅供參考,因出發日期,選擇艙等,價錢會跟著變動,請預先洽詢。
- In the seemingly never-ending merry-go-round of the automotive design world, the latest update is Laurens van den Acker's arrival at Renault. 在似乎永無止境的旋轉木馬的世界汽車設計的最新更新是勞倫斯范登貝安克爾抵達雷諾。
- The latest update to a new version of a file may have a date earlier than someone elses old version, meaning it won't be recompiled. 一個文件的最新更新版本可以比較早版本的時間還要早,這樣它就不能被重新編譯。
- Academy manager John Owens discusses Saturday's clash at West Brom in our latest update from the club's youth base in Kirkby. 青訓教練John Owens談到了周六與西布朗的比賽,同時也提到了柯克比的最新動態。
- For instance, triggers to update columns with the latest update time and user information can be replaced with the corresponding special values in the server. 例如,使用最新的更新時間和用戶信息更新列的觸發器可由伺服器中相應的特殊值替換。
- Your computer doesn't have the latest updates for your router. 計算機沒有路由器的最新更新。
- Checkout the latest updates and get this party started! 請確認你所安裝的勁舞團是最新版本,從而立即開始你的舞會吧!
- New to AkibaRika.org? Subscribe the feed to get the latest updates. 發現最近身邊的人都很有做站的慾望。
- This copy of SQL Server 2005 Books Online is updated when you install the latest update to the MSDN Library. 此聯機叢書副本將在您安裝MSDN Library的最新季度更新時被更新。
- Where can I find the latest updates and patches for Business Scorecard Manager? 在何處可以找到Business Scorecard Manager的最新更新和修補程序?
- That reiew was updated in 2004 and this latest update includes a single new study but no change in the Cochrane take on itamin C. 該評價於2004年更新,這份最近的更新包括一項新研究,但是對維生素C的Cochrane評價並沒有改變。
- Latest Update of Drug Eluting Stent 藥物洗脫支架的最新進展
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 為了不遲到,她抄近路穿過田野。
- If this happens, check with your antivirus vendor to see if they have a disc you can use to install the latest updates. 如果發生這種情況,請向防病毒供應商進行核實,了解他們是否有可用於安裝最新更新的光碟。
- You can only extend an existing Eclipse IDE of version 3.2.1 With latest updates from eclipse. Org. 只能使用來自eclipse.;org的最新更新來擴展現有Eclipse IDE V3
- Please check conference schedule at South Entrance Hall and outside the halls for the latest updates. 請查看南入口廳和各展館入口處的最新信息。
- Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.0 Provides the latest updates to Visual Basic 6.0. Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.;0提供了對Visual Basic 6
- Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 (SP8) provides the latest updates to the Jet 4.0 Database engine with Windows 2000. Microsoft Jet 4.;0 Service Pack 8(SP8)提供用於Windows 2000的Jet 4
- Your computer is up to date when you've installed the latest updates for Windows and your programs. 已為Windows及程序安裝了最新更新時,您的計算機即是處於最新狀態。
- Your existing Eclipse IDE must be version 3.2.1 Or the latest updates from eclipse. Org to be extended. 現有Eclipse IDE必須是V3.;2