- What is the latest time I can have an appointment? 最晚的預約時間是幾點鐘?
- It suits me to start work at a later time. 對我來說,最好晚一點再開始工作。
- You can also register at a later time. 您也可以在以後進行註冊。
- Suspend can be retried at a later time. 在這之後的一段時間可以再次嘗試暫停。
- The latest time of reporting at the airport is 10 o'clock. 最遲要在10點到機場報到。
- The latest time of reporting is 0835 at the airport. 到機場辦手續的時間最遲是35。
- The noted scholar Poole narrated Exchequer in the 12th century specially, he detailed early time of Exchequer ,but concerned little about late time. 英國著名學者普勒專門論述了12世紀的財政署,詳述了鼎盛期的財政署,闡述了英中古早期財政機構的演變,而對後期則無甚論述。
- Die temperatures and thermal stresses can have significantly influence the efficiency,reliability,and late time of light emitting diodes(LED). 發光二極體(LED)的結點溫度和應力分佈對它的發光效率、可靠性和壽命有著至關重要的影響。
- The latest time of reporting at the airport be 10 o'clock. 最遲要在10點到機場報到。
- The fold has more than one hinges, which is the result of uncoaxal superimposed fold, underwent B type fold in early time and A type fold in late time. 它具有不止一個方位褶皺樞紐,表徵非共軸疊加褶皺形態,經歷了早期B形和晚期A形褶皺演化過程,最終形成迄今鮮有報道,但卻實際廣泛存在。
- We'll calculate it according to contracted price at a later time. 差額最後按合同價格計算。
- To define the start and end offsets of a scope at a later time. 一起使用,以定義範圍的起始和結束偏移量。
- The latest time of reporting at the airport is 10o'clock. 最遲要在10點到機場報到。
- They might "undelete" it at a later time and read it. 他們可能會在以後"撤消刪除",然後進行閱讀。
- The memory in later times returned to haunt him. 那回憶後來經常浮現在他腦海。
- That is to be or to come; of or existing in later time. 將來的將來要發生的; 以後的或以後將存在的
- What is the latest time that I can make an appointment? 最晚可以預約到幾點?
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 為了不遲到,她抄近路穿過田野。
- This will enable you to decrypt the message/file at a later time. 此將啟用您到解密訊息/檔案在稍後時間。
- You can figure Time Resistance Levels the same as you figure Price Resistance Levels. 你可以向描述價格阻力水平一樣描述時間阻力水平。