- The car stops in the large water spray park. 車停在大噴水公園。
- She wanted to buy a large water melon. 她想買個大西瓜。
- The waters of the lake flow out over a large water fall. 湖水流經一條大瀑布直瀉而下。
- In constrast, exhaled smoke contains relatively large water droplets and appears white. 相反,從人嘴裡呼出的煙則包含相當大的水滴,所以呈白色。
- The cells of which all living things are made are largely water . 構成一切生物的細胞大部分是水。
- Do not rub eyes.Absorb the oil with clean towel, then flush eyes with large water. 勿揉,用乾淨毛巾吸去,然後用大量水沖洗。
- In contrast, exhaled smoke contains relatively large water droplets and appears white. 相反,從人嘴裡呼出的煙則包含相當大的水滴,所以呈白色。
- A large water mirror overflowing on all sides is the central feature of this terrace. 一個平靜、清澈、流水緩緩外溢的大水池在台地的中心,宛若一架輕盈的水上飛機,將空間與周邊環境聯繫起來。
- The large water yield disinfects very effective in succession to round-the-clock. 對晝夜24小時連續大水量消毒特別有效。
- For best water some teahouses would store fresh snow in winter with large water vats for making the best tea. 當冬日飄雪時,茶館的夥計就會把乾淨的雪鏟進大水桶里儲存起來以每天使用。
- One, Gao E of goose nutrition value is a kind of large water bird that gives priority to with eating succulence. 一、鵝肉營養價值高鵝是一種以吃青飼料為主的大型水禽。
- Many tiny dews converged into large water drops were running down my father's face, a fistful of his hairs was clutched to his forehead. 我父親的臉上,無數密集的小水點凝成大顆粒的水珠,他的一撮頭髮,粘在頭皮上。
- The result indicates pre-wetted aggregate can improve workability and decrease slump loss due to large water absorption of recycled aggregate. 結果顯示,預濕可有效改善再生混凝土工作性以及坍度損失過高的問題;
- Today, Lanzhou large water tankers production techniques has selected the first countries to recommend non-material cultural heritage list. 如今,蘭州大水車製作技藝已入選第一批國家非物質文化遺產推薦名錄。
- Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft. 只有有經驗的飛行員才能駕駛大型客機。
- Chimelong Waterpark (will be open in May) is the largest Water Park in Asia. 2007年5月份開放的長隆水上樂園是全亞洲最大的水上樂園。
- This is the only near the provincial capital Shijiazhuang to build a large water sports, and entertainment landscape compatible. 這裡是省會石家莊附近惟一一處能搞大型水上活動,山水兼容的娛樂場所。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大鍋開水煮義大利麵食。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大塊蘋果。
- A large passenger aircraft will land on the airfield. 一架大型民航班機將降落在這個飛機場。