- They scurried in out of the cold. 他們凍得很快跑進來了。
- The Celtic language of the ancient Britons. 古不列顛語古不列顛人的凱爾特語
- The Iranian language of the Kurds. 庫爾德語庫爾德人講的伊朗語系的語言
- Come out of the cold street into the warm. 街上寒冷,進來暖和暖和。
- The Romance language of the Romanians. 羅馬尼亞語羅馬尼亞人講的語言
- The Slavic language of the Poles. 波蘭語波蘭人所講的斯拉夫語
- Because of the cold weather the crops are late this year. 因天氣寒冷,今年的作物成熟得晚。
- The West Germanic language of the Flemings. 佛萊芒語佛萊芒人使用的西日耳曼語
- His teeth chattered uncontrollably because of the cold. 他的牙齒冷得直打顫。
- The cold weather will persist for the rest of the week. 這種寒冷的天氣將持續到本周末。
- The North Germanic language of the Danes. 丹麥語丹麥人講的北日耳曼語
- He jumped into the river to catch the big bass in defiance of the cold water. 他不顧河水冰冷跳下去捉那條鱸魚。
- The Slavic language of the Bulgarians. 保加利亞語保加利亞人的斯拉夫語言
- The cold set up the inflammation of the lungs. 感冒引起了肺炎。
- The Baltic language of the Latvians. 拉脫維亞語拉脫維亞人所使用的波羅的海語言
- The Iranian language of the Parthians. 帕提亞人的伊朗語
- The cold wind searched every part of the city . 冷風吹遍了全城。
- The Italic language of the Oscans. 奧斯坎語奧斯坎人所說的屬義大利語族的語言
- Any of the languages of these peoples. 伊比利亞語這些民族的任何一種語言
- The Miao-Yao language of the Yao. 苗瑤語瑤族人所說的苗瑤語