- A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon. 一環小島圍繞著礁湖。
- They say that inshore of the reef is a lagoon. 他們說在靠近海岸的暗礁之間有一個礁湖。
- This lagoon "divider" consist of sand. 瀉湖這個「分水嶺」是由砂質物構成的。
- This area isolates a restricted lagoon environment. 將這一地區隔離起來使形成一個封閉的瀉湖環境。
- An atoll is a circular reef surrounding a lagoon. 環礁是環繞著一個瀉湖的環形礁石。
- In the lagoon the water was calm. 環礁湖裡風平浪靜。
- A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon . 一環小島圍繞著礁湖。
- The Trifid is a little dimmer than the Lagoon. 三葉星雲比瀉湖星雲稍暗一些。
- No other cities in the world are built on a lagoon like Venice is. 世界上沒有其他的城市像威尼斯一樣建立在潟湖之上。
- I mean,I think lagoon,I think waterfall, I think tropical. 我是說我原以為有湖、有瀑布,像熱帶風景似的.
- This photo was taken in the lagoon at Coconut Island, Hawaii. 這張照片是在夏威夷椰子島上的環礁湖拍攝的。
- The lagoon is strictly out of bounds to all members. 這個池塘嚴禁任何人入內。
- Sofitel Dongguan Royal Lagoon : Great Deals Available Now! 上藝龍訂酒店機票,享三重好禮、四大保障!
- Venice and its lagoon joined the World Heritage List in 1987. 威尼斯城及其瀉湖1987年被列入世界遺產名錄。
- A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii. 一隻寬吻海豚在夏威夷威瑪納諾的瀉湖裡嬉戲。
- The lagoon of Venice alone receives the effluents of.76 factories. 他們所帶來的危害不亞於生活污水對海洋的危害。
- Eventually, the lagoon filled with silt and became land. 最終,瀉湖充滿淤泥,並成為土地。
- Through compare, adopt oblique to lead post make mould , Haff piece (oblique to slip yuan ) Move the structure of the mould . 經過比較,採用斜導柱在定模,哈夫塊(斜滑塊)在動模的結構 。
- Helen Haff: I used to go to English movies just to look at the streets Years ago, a guy I knew told me that people going to England find exactly what they're looking for. 海倫漢芙:我以前常去看英國電影,只為了看那些街道。幾年前有個認識的人跟我說,大家到英國去旅遊,看到的英國完完全全就是他們想看的英國。
- The8 lagoon of Venice alone receives the9 effluents of.76 factories. 單單是威尼斯的水道就接收了76間工廠的工業污水。