- The turnover rate generally remained stable. 員工流失率維持穩定。
- Communicate with RSM on staff turnover rate and relevant issues. 就員工流動情況與區域經理或者各級主管溝通;
- We were told that in one area there was a high degree of labour turnover among women. 我們得知在某個地方女性勞動者的流動率很高。
- The higher the turnover rate the more liquid the company's receivables. 該周轉率越高,公司的應收賬款流動性越強。
- If the turnover rate is high, the cache is not being used efficiently. 如果流通率較高,則表示未能有效地使用緩存。
- Normal KPIs such as turnover rate, avg. days in filling in position etc. 工作地點:上海市-(全部)上海市-接受簡歷語言:發布時間:2007-8-29
- Well,it's been my experience that decreasing your mark-up will increase your turnover rate. 根據我的經驗,只要把售價利潤降低自然就薄利多銷。
- Eighty-six new staff have been recruited during the year. Turnover rate remained stable. 年內共招聘了八十六名新員工,而員工流失率則保持穩定。
- Churn - The term used to describe turnover rate of subscribers to a service or product. 訂戶流動率-此術語用於說明一項服務或產品的訂戶流動速度。
- A high turnover rate can indicate a problem, especially when items are removed before they expire. 高周轉率可能說明存在問題,特別是當項在到期前被移除時。
- But labour shortages were a concern in both countries, with 20 per cent wage inflation in India's information technology sector and annual staff turnover rates of 20-30 per cent in China. 不過,兩個國家都存在勞動力短缺的問題,印度信息技術領域的薪資增幅達到20%25,而中國每年的員工流動比例為20%25到30%25。
- Well, it's been my experience that decreasing your mark-up will increase your turnover rate. 根據我的經驗,只要把售價利潤降低自然就薄利多銷。
- Analyze staffing, turnover rate and other personnel statistics, and prepare reports in conformance with Company needs. 分析人員配置情況、員工流動率、準備公司人員需求彙報;
- His turnover rate is not particularly low, but it is not unacceptably high, either. 他的失誤率不是特別低,但是也不是高得不能接受。
- The efficiency of bank operation contains: profit rate, turnover rate, debt redemption rate. 銀行經營效益主要由利潤率,周轉率,償債率三個因素構成。
- Contrary, if this stock turnover rate Yue Dynasty lowliness, then express enterprise operate not Chen, stock overmuch. 相反的,若此存貨周轉率越低,則表示企業營運不振,存貨過多。
- A company goal to be the employer of choice might include a KPI of "Turnover Rate". 而社區義捐占利潤的百分比則可能不是它的關鍵業績指標。
- If the average volume is much lower than the float, that stock has a low turnover rate and an onrush of buyers is unlikely to move the price much. 如果成交量均值比股票數低很多,那隻股票的周轉很低,如果買家突然出手,很可能把股價推高很多。
- The results not only reduced the turnover rate for newly hired clerks at the OPD, but also serve as reference for ETP and future personnel retention. 本專案之實施除能降低新進書記人員之離職率外,更可作為未來各單位人員留任教育訓練之參考。
- Current, great plan 3 afterbirth are in control of stock turnover rate every months 4 times, exceed shipment of the low on 7 days of horses. 目前,宏圖三胞將庫存周轉率控制在每月4次,超過7天馬上低價出貨。