名詞 knockout:
a very attractive or seductive looking woman
a blow that renders the opponent unconscious
knock unconscious or senseless
destroy or break forcefully
overwhelm with admiration
empty (as of tobacco) by knocking out
very strong or vigorous
- knock the stuffing out of someone 挫傷某人的傲氣...
- knock the spirit out of someone 挫傷某人的傲氣...
- knock out of the box 打掉投手
- knock someone's eye out 給某人強烈印象...
- knock down and drag out 徹底戰勝
- knock one's pipe out 敲出煙斗里的煙灰...
- knock the Jesus out of someone 把某人打得半死...
- knock the tar out of someone 痛揍某人,把某人狠揍...
- knock the bottom out of 破壞(駁倒
- knock hell out of someone 給某人無情的鞭打...
- knock out of 從 ... 中敲出...
- knock the hell out of someone 狠揍某人一頓...
- knock someone out of time 打倒對方使在規定時間...
- knock the devil out of someone 狠揍某人一頓...
- knock the hindsight out 徹底打敗
- knock-out system 淘汰制
- knock out 敲出
- knock the daylight out of 嚇得…失去知覺...
- knock out the wedges 使人上當后冷眼旁觀,...