- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一個下午就能編結好一件嬰孩的緊身短上衣。
- Clean the car from the top, preferably with a hose and warm water. 最好用軟管和溫水從頂部開始清洗汽車
- He knitted up his remarks briefly. 他匆匆結束了談話。
- This fire hose is about sixty feet long. 這段消防水管大約有60 英尺長。
- His broken bone knitted quickly. 他的斷骨很快就癒合了。
- Unreel the hose fully before use. 把水龍完全展開再使用。
- I gave her a knitted shawl as a Christmas gift. 我送給她一條編織的披肩作聖誕禮物。
- They knitted up the debate briefly. 他們匆匆結束了辯論。
- He knitted his brows in deep thought. 他緊鎖雙眉陷入沈思。
- The broken bones have knit (together) well. 斷骨已癒合良好。
- I cast on the sweater yesterday but have not knitted much yet. 我昨天開始結這件毛衣,但到現在為止還只結了一點點。
- She could knit a torn sleeve up. 她能織補撕破的袖子。
- Knit one (ie make one plain stitch), purl one. 平織一針,反織一針。
- Our two nations are knit together by common concerns. 我們兩國被共同關切的問題連結在一起。
- In the times of the Tudors, a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff. 在都鐸王朝時期,男人穿緊身上衣和緊身短褲,脖子上戴寬而硬的輪狀皺領。
- She knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers. 她用靈巧的雙手為我織了一副手套。
- On Sundays, he washes his car down with the garden hose. 每逢星期天,他就用花園裡的水管把汽車沖洗乾淨。
- The jet of water from the hose soon put out the fire. 救火水管中射出的水很快就把火撲滅了。
- The stables were sluiced out with water from a hose. 馬廄已經用水管子沖洗過了。
- A woolen, often ribbed fabric formerly used for hose and trousers. 克爾賽呢過去用來做齊膝短褲和褲子的一種常有羅紋的毛料織物