- A loaded pin bears on a hole with small clearance. 一個受載銷釘支承於一個具有微小間隙的孔上。
- steering knuckle king pin lower bearing 轉向關節主銷下軸承,轉向節主銷下軸承
- steering knuckle king pin upper bearing 轉向節主銷上軸承,轉向關節主銷上軸承
- LOW MAINTENANCE. King pins on roller bearings. 大承載量:小型滾軸軸承上的自動輪轂。
- The beam and crank pin bearing adopt tip bearing structure to decrease the shaking due to the install difference and operation of pumping unit. 橫樑軸承及曲柄銷軸承採用調心軸承結構,以降低安裝造成的誤差和抽油機運轉時的振動。
- It consists of steering wheel, steering shaft, worm, gear sector, pitman arm drag link, steering knuckle arm, king pin, steering arms, tie rod, front axle and steering knuckle. 轉向系統包括轉向盤、轉向軸、蝸桿、扇形齒輪、轉向搖臂、直拉杆、轉向節臂、主銷、轉向臂、轉向直拉杆、前軸和轉向節。
- The King pinned the Military Cross on the brave soldier's chest. 國王將十字勳章別在勇士的胸前。
- Footmen each wore lapel pins bearing the London 2012 logo. 每位男侍者的衣領上都別著2012年倫敦申奧的徽章。
- For the connecting rod bearing arrangements of combustion engines and compressors, SKF has special needle roller and cage assemblies for gudgeon pin bearing arrangements (fig 4a) and crankpin bearing arrangements (fig 5a). SKF有用於活塞銷軸承配置(圖4a)和曲軸銷軸承配置(圖5a)的特殊滾針和保持架組件,適用於內燃機和壓縮機的活塞桿軸承配置。
- The king pin of the Manix Private Detective, Joseph Wong(Michael Hui), together with operative Lee Kwok Kit(Sam Hui) and Pighead(Ricky Hui), are going to solve several cases for the clients. 萬能私家偵探社社長黃若思(許冠文飾)連同職員李國傑(許冠傑飾)及雞泡(許冠英飾)成工為多位客人偵破案件,屢建奇工,期間當然攪笑連場。
- The procedures are chamfering both sides of the gudgeon pin and crank pin core and semi-finishing the crank pin bore at a rate of 1000 pieces per hour at 100% efficiency. 加工工序是對活塞銷孔和曲軸銷孔的兩側端面倒角,並半精鏜曲軸銷孔,在負荷率100%25時,生產率為每小時1000件。
- Central king pin type steering systme 中央主銷式轉向裝置
- steering knuckle king pin lubricator 轉向(關)節主銷加油器
- King pin thrust ball bearings for automobiles 汽車主銷止推球軸承
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 國王被手下的貴族們剝奪了權力。
- steering knuckle king pin bushing 轉向節主銷襯套,轉向關節主銷襯套
- steering knuckle king pin dust cover 轉向節主銷蓋,轉向關節主銷蓋
- Study on Diagnosis of Engine Piston Pin Bearing Wear Fault 活塞銷故障的診斷研究
- steering knuckle king pin dust washer 轉向節主銷蓋
- Damaged Reasons and Preventive Measures for Rod End and Pin Bearing 活塞桿端頭及銷軸損壞原因與預防措施