- Here is the townsite of Chang'an in Tang Dynasty. 這裡是唐代古城長安的城址。
- Liu Yan is a famous financier in Tang Dynasty. 摘要劉晏是唐代著名的理財家。
- Yinchuan was founded in Tang Dynasty. 銀川建於唐代。
- Han Yu was an outstanding proser in Tang dynasty. 韓愈是唐代傑出的散文家。
- Yang was a plump beauty in Tang Dynasty. 楊貴妃的體態充盈,是個唐代的美人。
- I think the vase is of a lot value as it was made in Tang dynasty. 我想這個花瓶很值錢,因為它是唐朝的。
- In Tang Dynasty Jiannan Dao administered 38 Zhous an Fus. 唐代劍南道下轄38個州府,其中有35個州府進貢81種藥物。
- Chinese feudalism legitimism law thought comes into being from Qin Han, after development of Wei Jin southern and northern dynastiets , till attaining perfection in Tang Dynasty. 中國封建正統法律思想自秦漢產生,經魏晉南北朝的發展,至唐代臻於完善。
- Now having got back the Stone and the Steed, the king of Jin said triumphantly, 「Oh, the Stone remains quite the same, only the Steed gets a little older. 晉君收回了寶玉和駿馬,得意洋洋地說:「寶玉倒和原來的一般無二,只是駿馬老了一點!」
- The Potala Palace was built 1,300 years ago in Tang Dynasty (618-907AD) when the Tibetan King Songtsam Gambo married the Tang Princess Wencheng. 布達拉宮建於1300年前吐蕃王松贊干布迎娶文成公主時期的唐代(公元618-907年)。
- China in Tang Dynasty was one of the most powerful countries in the world. 唐朝時代的中國是世界上最強大的國家之一。
- Then Fu Chai,overweeningly ambitious,led his army marching into the Northwest in an attempt to conquer the State of Jin in one vigorous effort. 他帶領軍隊一直打到吳國的國都姑蘇(蘇州),又派人馬佔據淮河,把吳王的退路切斷了。
- Lots of scholars regard the character of the counties of Jin in the spring and autumn period as the feuds of the minister and high officials. 摘要關於春秋時代晉縣的性質,學術界多認為是卿大夫的采邑。
- Now the things in Tang dynasty shown on teleplay may be all oxtails! 現在反應唐代的電視劇掛的可都是牛尾啊!
- In Tang Dynasty, land proprietary right changed from public to private. 摘要唐代土地所有權經歷了從公有到私有的動態演變過程。
- In Tang Dynasty ,one person held a banquet to invite some friends to his home. 在唐朝,有一個人大擺宴席,宴請賓客。
- Prince Charles will be the next king of England. 查爾斯王子將是英國的下一位國王。
- The high-ranking Imperial Concubine Yang was a plump beauty in Tang Dynasty. 楊貴妃的體態充盈,是個唐代的美人。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流暢地說出所有英國國王的生卒年份。
- Despite a tomb fresco, it is an uncommon portrait work in Tang dynasty. 雖然是墓室壁畫,實為唐代不可多得的人物畫精品。