- Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input. 允許或禁止滑鼠和鍵盤輸入。
- Pocket TaskVision eliminates as much keyboard input as possible. Pocket TaskVision儘可能避免鍵盤輸入。
- System output and keyboard input is indicated with a different font as well. 系統輸出和鍵盤輸入用不同字體顯示。
- Demo keyboard hook to intercept keyboard input keys. BCB6.0 compiler used. 鍵盤鉤子演示程序,攔截鍵盤輸入按鍵。用BCB6.;0編譯。
- The number of positions the slider moves in response to keyboard Input(arrow keys). 滑塊為響應鍵盤輸入(箭頭鍵)而移動的位置數。
- Most Windows Forms applications process keyboard input exclusively by handling the keyboard events. 大多數Windows窗體應用程序都通過處理鍵盤事件來以獨佔方式處理鍵盤輸入。
- Most Windows Forms programs process keyboard input by handling the keyboard events. 大多數Windows窗體程序都通過處理鍵盤事件來處理鍵盤輸入。
- The console uses the input encoding to translate keyboard input into a corresponding character. 控制台使用輸入編碼將鍵盤輸入轉換為相應的字元。
- KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT Structure The KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT structure contains information about a low-level keyboard input event. 該結構包含有低層鍵盤輸入事件的信息。
- Examples of advanced text services include speech, handwriting, and East Asian keyboard input services. 高級文字服務包括語音、手寫和中文鍵盤輸入服務。
- All Windows Forms controls inherit a set of events related to mouse and keyboard input. 所有Windows窗體控制項都繼承一組與滑鼠和鍵盤輸入有關的事件。
- Use the keyboard input can change the angle of imported graphics, thus achieving overlapping R... 一款俄羅斯方塊的遊戲,用VC編寫的.利用鍵盤輸入可以改變輸入圖形的角度,從而實現疊羅.-box of the game; with VC prepared.
- Keyboard input of precise X-Y co-ordinates returns precise Z values for that point. 也可直接通過鍵盤輸入X、Y值,結果會返回精確的Z坐標值。
- The method is convenient for keyboard input, easy to understand and very practical, and the graphics edited are methodical as well. 此方法鍵盤操作簡單,易懂,實用,編出梯形圖又有章法。
- Will have restricted keyboard input access, so that a form or control can only access keyboard events for itself and its children. 將擁有受限制的鍵盤輸入訪問許可權,這樣窗體或控制項就只能為自身或其子窗體或子控制項訪問鍵盤事件。
- Handling keyboard input is considerably more complex than overriding the events in the preceding table and is beyond the scope of this topic. 處理鍵盤輸入比重寫上表中的事件要複雜得多,這超出了本主題的討論範圍。
- Keyboard input or mouse clicking has no effect, regardless of where the cursor is placed, but the program is still running. 鍵盤輸入或滑鼠點擊沒有反應,不管游標置於何處都一樣,但是程序仍在運行。
- When these methods receive mouse and keyboard messages, they raise events that can be handled to get information about the mouse or keyboard input. 當這些方法接收到滑鼠和鍵盤消息時,將引發相應的事件,可以處理這些事件來獲取關於滑鼠或鍵盤輸入的信息。
- A user interacts with a paper mockup by pointing at things to represent mouse clicks, and writing on the paper to represent keyboard input. 當用戶與紙上模型交互時,用在東西上面點擊代表滑鼠點擊,在紙上寫字代替使用鍵盤輸入。
- The hardware is made up of setting, acquisition and control component, which supports keyboard input and nixie tube display. 其系統硬體由設置、採集、控制三部分組成,支持鍵盤輸入與數碼管顯示。