- Enumeration to specify a key type for an. 對象指定密鑰類型。
- The key agreement key type is unknown. 密鑰協商密鑰類型未知。
- You must specify a private key type. 您必須指定私鑰類型。
- A logon request contained an invalid logon type value. 登錄請求包含無效的登錄類型值。
- The maximum length of the actual base type value is 8,000 bytes. 實際基類型值的最大長度是8,000個位元組。
- A value is being assigned, and key is of a type that is not assignable to the key type TKey of the SortedList. 正在賦值,但key的類型不能分配給SortedList的鍵類型TKey。
- This includes both the base type information and the base type value. 這包括基類型信息和基類型值。
- If the item is a node, its typed value is returned. 如果該項是一個節點,則其類型值返回。
- Key type automatic gearbox is used to adjusting the cutting of paper length. 採用鏈條式無級變速箱調整切紙長短。
- Offer one key type to handle a function, obtain the task list, voluntary generating program, equational, least value easily / maximum, pace is entered / brae, and browse wait for advanced function. 提供一鍵式操作功能,輕鬆獲得任務列表、自動生成程序、均分、最小值/最大值、步進/斜坡,以及瀏覽等高級功能。
- The name of the element or attribute designates the particular key type that is required. 元素或屬性的名字可以指明所需的鍵的類型。
- The query returns a sequence of a simple type value typed as xs: string. 該查詢將返回被類型化為xs:string的簡單類型值序列。
- Valid annotation type values range from 0 to 11, inclusive. 有效批註類型值的範圍為從 0 到 11,包括 0 和 11。
- If the client uses ODBC, the client will receive the user-defined type value as a binary value only. 如果客戶端使用ODBC,則此客戶端將用戶定義類型值僅作為二進位值接收。
- Again, the query returns a sequence of a simple type value typed as xs: string. 查詢將再次返回類型化為xs:string的簡單類型值的序列。
- Class that is empty, has the specified initial capacity, and uses the default equality comparer for the key type. 類的新實例,該實例為空且具有指定的初始容量,並為鍵類型使用默認的相等比較器。
- Conversely, typed values can be abstracted . 反之,有類型值也可以被抽象。
- A sql_variant data type must first be cast to its base data type value before participating in operations such as addition and subtraction. 對於sql_variant數據類型,必須先將它轉換為其基本數據類型值,然後才能參與諸如加減這類運算。
- Initializes a new instance of the SortedDictionary class that is empty and uses the default IComparer implementation for the key type. 初始化SortedDictionary類的一個新實例,該實例為空並對鍵類型使用默認IComparer實現。
- Formatting is controlled by strings of format specifier characters that indicate how a base type value is to be represented. 格式化由格式說明符字元的字元串控制,該字元串指示如何表示基類型值。