- The Type whose underlying type code to get. 要獲取其基礎類型代碼的Type。
- Returns the type code of a specified variant. 一個變數,怎麼知道它的類型的名字?
- Enumeration to specify a key type for an. 對象指定密鑰類型。
- The key agreement key type is unknown. 密鑰協商密鑰類型未知。
- You must specify a private key type. 您必須指定私鑰類型。
- How to input a senior citizen passenger type code into a PNR? 問:如何於旅客訂位紀錄中輸入長者代碼?
- Key type automatic gearbox is used to adjusting the cutting of paper length. 採用鏈條式無級變速箱調整切紙長短。
- Two type codes are available in this message. 在此訊息中有兩個類型代碼可用。
- The name of the element or attribute designates the particular key type that is required. 元素或屬性的名字可以指明所需的鍵的類型。
- The ICMP redirect/change request uses the format shown in Figure . It has an ICMP type code of 5. In addition, it has a code value of 0, 1, 2, or 3. ICMP重新導向/改變請求使用的格式顯示在圖中。它有一個ICMP型態代碼5。除外,它有代碼值0、1、2或者3。
- This article introduces the hardware structure and software program of new type code lock system with remote supervision function. 文章介紹了一個具有遠程監控功能的新型密碼鎖的硬體構成和軟體編程。
- A value is being assigned, and key is of a type that is not assignable to the key type TKey of the SortedList. 正在賦值,但key的類型不能分配給SortedList的鍵類型TKey。
- Class that is empty, has the specified initial capacity, and uses the default equality comparer for the key type. 類的新實例,該實例為空且具有指定的初始容量,並為鍵類型使用默認的相等比較器。
- Initializes a new instance of the SortedDictionary class that is empty and uses the default IComparer implementation for the key type. 初始化SortedDictionary類的一個新實例,該實例為空並對鍵類型使用默認IComparer實現。
- You can access the full registered information for any of these structures by passing a relevant key type to one of the get_xx API calls. 你可以通過向get_xx類API調用中某一個具體調用傳入相關的鍵值來獲得完整的註冊信息。
- Dede's counts of a key type of white blood cell are so low that Dr Gaspari initially suspected he may have the Aids virus. 迪德的一種關鍵的白細胞數量是如此之低,以致加斯帕里醫生最初懷疑他可能是感染了艾滋病病毒。
- Key type drill chuck, which is widely used in various mi nal and fixing enterprises, is a kind of drilltightening device. 扳手鑽夾頭是廣泛用於各工礦企業,裝修行業的鑽頭夾緊裝置。
- An adapter flange will be needed in the case of the direct input method with a key type, set screw type or taper collet type. 鍵槽式、設置螺栓式或錐式直接輸入的外箱應採用調配器法蘭。
- Li Tian Industrial CO., Ltd is specializing in manufacturing and selling hot stamping foil,heat typing code, heat ink roll, ink-jet printer ,laser-jet, packaging and food machine. 本公司為力天實業有限公司,是以生產、經營熱列印色帶、熱燙印墨輪、包裝和食品機械為主的專業公司。
- Initializes a new instance of the Dictionary class that contains elements copied from the specified IDictionary and uses the default equality comparer for the key type. 初始化Dictionary類的新實例,該實例包含從指定的IDictionary中複製的元素並為鍵類型使用默認的相等比較器。