- Focus (domestic): international media coverage on the China market. 聚焦(國內):國外財經媒體對中國市場的報道。
- Immediately, the Chinese and international media gobbled us up. 來自中國和其他各國的媒體立即把我們圍起來爭相採訪。
- But the WTO is only one of several key international economic institutions. 但WTO僅僅是幾個重要的國際經濟組織之一。
- His father owns and runs an international media syndicate. 他父親擁有並親自經營一家國際報業傳媒稿件辛迪加。
- Gold, he claimed, was finished as an international medium. 他斷言,黃金作為國際兌換的媒介已經壽終正寢了。
- Hong Kong, standing in the center, will play an increasingly important role as a key international economic juncture. 處於中心的香港,國際經濟重要交匯點的地位愈加凸顯!
- The US attitude also has aroused criticism from international media. 美國的態度同樣引起了國際輿論的批評。
- The HKTA also hosted 23 international media organisations from eight countries to cover the Music Fest. 旅遊協會也接待了23名來自8個國家,到港採訪這次音樂節的國際傳媒代表。
- Irene Hoskins' speech on this matter highlighted several key international initiatives supported by the IFA. 愛琳霍斯金斯講話在這事情上強調幾關鍵國際行動IFA支援。
- We have the solutions for all key international standards, including CMMB, DTMB, DVB-T/H, DVB-SH, DAB/DAB+, T-DMB. 我們是全球唯一能為超過7個標準提供可靠解決方案的供應商,包括CMMB,DTMB,DVB-T/H,DVB-SH,DAB/DAB+,T-DMB等。
- The international media showed intense interest in Hong Kong in the lead-up to, and during, the Handover. 對於在回歸前及回歸期間的香港,國際傳媒尤為關注。
- But the talks between the two parties broke down after Hamas refused to recognize Israel, a key international condition for the lifting of sanctions. 但是兩黨的談判在哈馬斯拒絕承認以色列之後破裂,承認以色列是國際社會解除制裁的關鍵性條件。
- The international media showed intense interest in Hong Kong in the lead-up to,and during,the Handover. 對於在回歸前及回歸期間的香港,國際傳媒尤為關注。
- For Hong Kong to qualify as an international financial centre, for example, the minimum requirement is for the key international financial markets to be located here. 例如,若要成為國際金融中心,至少香港需要成為主要的國際金融市場的所在地。
- The Delegation of Croatia, on behalf of the Group of Central European and Baltic States, underlined the importance of WIPO as the key international body dealing with IP. 克羅埃西亞代表團代表中歐和波羅的海國家集團,強調WIPO作為處理知識產權事務主要國際機構的重要性。
- International media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders says it is shocked and dismayed by the dismissals, and urged the reinstatement of the three editors. 維護媒體權利的國際組織「記者無國界」說,對於楊斌的被解職感到震驚和失望,並呼籲恢復三位編輯的職務。
- The international media rarely highlights the immense human and ecological dimensions of the miners' tragedy in China. 國際媒體很少關注中國礦工悲劇所意味的重大的人性和生態意義。
- The magazine says the stars forfeited their right to privacy by making their wedding an 「international media event. 雜誌則說,這兩位明星因把他們的婚禮辦成了一次「國際性新聞事件」而喪失了他們的隱私權。
- DDB, which had said the campaign was slated to launch in international media in October, declined to comment. DDB已經表示此項宣傳將推遲到10月時再登陸國際媒體,該公司拒絕就此發表評論。
- "The Iranians know the effect of international media, especially those Farsi-speaking media like Voice of America,BBC. " 「伊朗深知國際媒體的影響,尤其是那些伊朗語媒體,如VOA,BBC。