- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜歡對下級職員逞威風。
- He is studying at a junior middle school. 他正在上初中。
- She attend a course for junior hotel manager. 她參加初級飯店經理課程。
- He is junior to me by two years. 他比我小兩歲。
- Of the two clerks, he is the junior. 這兩個職員中他職務較低。
- John Smith Junior is the son of John Smith. 小約翰史密斯是約翰史密斯之子。
- I can't remember quarreling with him in junior high school. 我不記得國中時和他吵過架。
- The junior sale manager is attending a day release course. 這位資歷淺的銷售經理正在參加一個在職學習日的課程。
- The junior class; the junior prom. 三年級生的班級; 大學三年級生舉辦的舞會
- Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop. 小職員迪克很快就被排擠出了這家店鋪。
- He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director. 他從初級職員做起,最終成了這家公司的董事。
- He is three years her junior/her junior by three years. 他比她小三歲。
- He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues. 他用長輩的口氣勸告年輕的同事。
- They were stuck on each other ever since junior high school. 打從初中開始,他們就彼此相愛。
- I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department. 我但願他不要假惺惺地紆尊降貴接近部門裡的低級員工。
- The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees. 總裁的年齡甚至是比他的一些僱員還小。
- He is the junior partner in the firm. 他是這家公司地位較低的股東。
- Spruance had been a junior skipper. 斯普魯恩斯已經任級別較低的艦長了。
- The junior salutes the senior by tossing oars. 那低年級生向高年級生槳致敬。
- He is my classmate of junior middle school. 他是我初中時的同班同學。