- Houseboat just just can begin, had not done business. 遊艇會才剛開始,還沒有營業。」
- He hides this cuts out, discovered that just just enough made a shoe. 他把這張皮子裁剪好,發現剛剛夠做一雙鞋子。
- The sixth art stanza of Asia just just ended, the seventh concrete time that prop up affirm have not yet settle. 第六屆亞洲藝術節才剛剛閉幕,第七屆的具體時間肯定還沒有定啦。
- War stage manners:Various Ge bright Sir, have you ever said?Our confabulation just just beginning. 戰颱風:諸葛亮先生,你說過了嗎?我們的交談才剛剛開始呀。
- I meet a old man ,too. Maybe not so old,just just adult. Not hamson, but I like his eyes.beautiful. 為了同人共勉,我們一定要相信:一切反動派都是紙老虎!
- I just Just an ordinary rookie, last season played only 40 games, so this summer's temper for me will be particularly important. 我仍只是一介菜鳥,上賽季只打了40場比賽,因此今年夏天的錘鍊對我來說便顯得格外重要。
- The application of palmtop computer, be in the United States already was like a raging fire, just just pull open in China prelusive. 掌上電腦的應用,在美國已是如火如荼,在中國才剛剛拉開序幕。
- Of Luo Zhixiang " naked a little " incident just just went, and the more than fear that unreliability chats to the network in staying in people heart still is in. 羅志祥的「裸聊」事件才剛過去,而余留在人們心中對於網路聊天不安全性的恐懼仍在。
- "At that time, hot line of Sohu, Shanghai just just also was rolled out, get online through dialing, can let me send mail on the network, watch news, I feel too magical. 「當時,搜狐、上海熱線也才剛推出,通過撥號上網,能讓我在網路上發郵件、看新聞,我覺得太神奇了。」
- In fact, good fun just just opens gong: After operation counterpoises, the new campaign of talent of equipment of a concerned operation, operation already start shooting. 事實上,好戲才剛剛開鑼:在運營權之後,一場有關運營設備、運營人才的新戰役已經打響。
- Me true, it is sensitivity having a place, sensitive really, do not love competition to fight, before do not love, the character that performs the work with me just just contradicted. 真正的我,的確是有點多愁善感、敏感,不愛競爭打仗、不愛走在人的前面,和我表演工作的性質剛剛好矛盾。
- She says: "I true, it is sensitivity having a place, sensitive really, do not love competition to fight, before do not love, the character that performs the work with me just just contradicted. 她說:「真正的我,的確是有點多愁善感、敏感,不愛競爭打仗、不愛走在人的前面,和我表演工作的性質剛剛好矛盾。
- Justs wants to move out already. 心情: Frustrated 1 小時前發布。
- To aim or thrust(a lance)in a joust. (用長矛)刺在格鬥中瞄準或投擲(長矛)
- A politician who relishes a joust with reporters. 喜歡和記者過不去的政治家
- You joust well, sir, I offer you another lance. 你的馬上格鬥不錯嘛,先生,我提供你另一柄槍。
- To aim or thrust (a lance) in a joust. (用長矛)刺:在格鬥中瞄準或投擲(長矛)
- Joust for the fate of the kingdom! 一場決定王國命運的戰鬥!
- To aim or thrust(a lance) in a joust. (用長矛)刺在格鬥中瞄準或投擲(長矛)
- For I have never met my match in joust or duel. 無論是馬上格鬥還是步行格鬥,我都沒有遇到過對手。