- The big black bear bit back the big black bug. 大黑熊反過來咬了那隻大黑臭蟲.
- A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig. 一隻大黑熊在一頭大黑豬的背上咬了一口。
- How many radial (axial ) clearnance are there in this bush (journal bearing, thrust bearing)? 這個軸套(軸頸軸承、止推軸承)的徑向(軸向)間隙是多少?
- In this paper, Reynolds equation of fintely-wide journal bearing for Oldroydfluid is derived by perturbation methods. 採用攝動分析方法,推導出Oldroyd模型的非牛頓流體的雷諾方程。
- The new aerodynamic foil journal bearing with elastic support was applied to the turboexpander successfully. 成功地將新型箔片動壓氣體軸承低溫透平膨脹機應用在逆布雷頓循環制冷機上。
- The film pressure,end leakage flow-rate and frictional coefficient of misaligned journal bearing were calculated. 計算了軸受載變形導致軸頸傾斜情況下,軸承的油膜壓力、端泄流量和軸頸摩擦因數等。
- Sealed journal bearing insert bit 密封滑動軸承鑲齒鑽頭
- Rao H V V L N,Biswas S, et al.Analytical approach to evaluate dynamic coefficients and transient analysis of a hydrodynamic journal bearing. 劉恆.;轉子軸承系統穩定性分叉問題的研究:[博士學位論文]
- To acquire photos of cavitation and pressure in film simultaneously,a test rig on journal bearing was rebuilt and designed. 對滑動軸承試驗台進行了改造,使得油膜分佈以及油膜壓力同步採集成為可能。
- The influence of the misalignment caused by a crankshaft deformation on the trajectory of the journal bearing center was studied. 研究了因變形而引起的曲軸傾斜對軸頸軸心軌跡的影響。
- A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig.A smart feller, a feller smart.It takes a smart feller to say a feller smart. 對於英語學習的人來說,練說英文繞口令,無論是為練習口齒的伶俐還是為了了解英語語言的他的特點,都是一個極好的素材。
- Oil-lubricated journal bearing is an important class of bearing ,It have practical value to analyze it,it is selected as researching object in the thesis. 動壓式滑動軸承是軸承中的一個重要類別,對其進行分析研究在實際中具有重要的意義。
- In this paper, FEM(Finite Element method) with isoparametric ements is employed to solve the Reynolds equation descrbing the characteristic of journal bearing. 本文採用等參單元的有限單元法求解描述軸承動壓特性的雷諾方程。
- Based on lubrication analysis of journal bearing, the stress distribution of shaft was calculated by using film pressure that calculated as boundary condition of load. 在軸承潤滑分析的基礎上,將得到的軸承油膜壓力作為載荷邊界條件,計算了軸的應力分佈。
- Hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics of a journal bearing considering misalignment caused by shaft deformation were analyzed in shaft-bearing system. 分析了軸軸承系統中,當軸受載變形導致軸頸傾斜時,徑向滑動軸承的流體動力潤滑特性。
- The objective of the study is to investigate the vibration and noise characteristics of hydrodynamic journal bearing with herringbone groove use for centrifugal fan. 摘要:本研究以實驗分析含人字形溝槽之液體動壓頸軸承應用於離心散熱風扇的振動與噪音特性。
- The results show that there are obvious changes in the film pressure, film thickness and temperature distribution of the journal bearing when journal misalignment appears. 結果表明,軸變形導致軸頸傾斜時,滑動軸承的油膜壓力、油膜厚度和溫度的分佈狀況及數值發生了明顯變化;
- Based on CCD sensor and its correlative technology,a sort of on-line inspection system for the coaxality error of journal bearing accessory is developed. 開發了一種基於CCD感測器及其相關技術、可應用於工業實時在線檢測的滑動軸承套類零件同軸度誤差檢測系統。
- To analyze the effects of non-Newtonian lubricants to the journal bearing lubrication under the condition of dynamic load,a modified Reynolds equation was derived. 為分析動載荷條件下非牛頓介質的流變特性對徑向軸承潤滑效果的影響,推導了相應的雷諾方程。
- DUAN Fang-li,WEI Yun-long.A study of elastohydrodynamic lubrication of journal bearing by use of influence function[J].Machine Design and Research,2000,16 (4):50-51. [4]段芳莉;韋雲隆.;用柔度矩陣法對徑向滑動軸承的彈流潤滑分析[J]