- He had a calling to join the party. 他被邀請參加聚會。
- Ed spoke up against letting girls join the club. 艾德發言表示反對讓女孩加入俱樂部。
- Marx was the progenitorof Communism. 馬克思是共產主義的創始人。
- He lied about his age to join the army. 他為了參軍謊報了年齡。
- Marx is the progenitor of Communism. 馬克思是共產主義的創始人。
- If you join the club you must abide by its rules. 如果你加入那個俱樂部,你就得遵守其規章。
- Put down whatever you are doing and join the party. 放下你的工作,來參加聚會。
- They pestered her to join in the scheme. 他們不斷要求她參與那計劃。
- Lenin restored the views of Marx and Engels in regard to the state. 列寧恢復了馬克思和恩格斯關於國家的看法。
- Nothing would tempt me to join the army. 什麽也不能引誘我參軍。
- I saw them join hands and walk together. 我看見他們手拉手一起走。
- Shall we turn our coats, and join the victors? 我們要不要改變立場,加入勝利者的行列呢?
- I will join in the project, heart and hand. 我會滿腔熱情地參加這項工程。
- I'm going sailing Sunday. Care to join me? 周日我要去航海。你來嗎?
- Join in with us and take the risk. 來和我們一起冒這次風險吧。
- Can you see the join in the coat? 你能看到衣服上的接縫嗎?
- Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. 卡爾馬克思生於德國,德語是他的本族語。
- Let's join hands and struggle together. 咱們攜起手來共同鬥爭。
- You must be an illiterate if you've never heard of Marx. 要是連馬克思也沒聽說過,那你一定是個文盲。
- You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx. 要是你連馬克思這個人都從未聽說過,那麽你一定是沒有受過教育的了。