- The standard method for barley has been specified. 已規定了大麥的標準測定法。
- The external standard method was adopted for the assay of 5-HMF. 以外標法測定5-HMF的含量。
- Temperature Controlled, satisfied with standard method of trans-fat of FDA. 溫度可控,可滿足FDA反式脂肪標準測定方法。
- Each subject is given a number according to a standard method of classfication. 每一個主題被賦予一個號碼根據分類標準來排列。
- In China dubbing is the standard method adopted in translating imported films. 配音翻譯是中國目前引進的外片採用的主要翻譯形式。
- But there is still lack of uniform and standard method of eco-city planning. 但是目前還沒有統一規範的生態城市規劃方法或指南。
- Temperature Controlled,satisfied with standard method of trans-fat of FDA. 溫度可控,可滿足FDA反式脂肪標準測定方法。
- These functions are a standard method of presenting catalog information that is supported by different ODBC drivers. 這些函數是顯示不同的ODBC驅動程序所支持的目錄信息的標準方法。
- Provides a standard method to describe translation memory data as an XML standard. 提供了一種標準方法,用於將翻譯記憶數據描述成XML標準。
- The ASTM standard method D2500-66 for cloud point measurement covers transparent petroleum products. 用於測定濁點的ASTM標準法D2500-66已抱輕質油品。
- Attribute arguments have one important difference from arguments used with standard method calls. 屬性參數與用於標準方法調用的參數有一個重要區別。
- Standard method for hygienic examination of sulfur dioxide in air of residential areas-Forma dehyde solution sampling-pararosaniline hydrochloride spectrophotometric method. 居住區大氣中二氧化硫衛生檢驗標準方法甲醛溶液吸收-鹽酸副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法.
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知這是一件棘手的工作。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我們大家都動手,一會兒就可以幹完這件事。
- These results create the standard method to monitor B. graminis fsp. triticiresistance to triadimefon. 可以根據實際條件採用瓊脂葉段法,試管苗法,麥芽法,保鮮袋法,閉囊殼法轉移到實驗室。
- The relative densities of flavors were determined by pycnometer (standard method) and densimeter. 摘要日前測定香精密度的方法主要有標準傳統法(上標[1])-比重瓶法和密度儀法。
- Popularizing this new method is not an easy job. 推廣這種新方法不是件容易的工作。
- The relative standard deviation is no more than 2%, and the results agree well with the GB Standard method. 在優化的實驗條件下,測定的精密度達到2%25以下,與國家標準分析方法進行對照,結果無顯著性差異。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新來的職員工作專心致志。
- But now, there is not a standard method to estimate the aging degree of ZnO varistor. 目前在判斷氧化鋅壓敏電阻的老化程度方面還沒有標準的方法可循。