- The Jews lived in dread of being caught. 這些猶太人生活在會遭到拘捕的恐懼之中。
- Jews were persecuted by the Nazis. 猶太人受納粹迫害。
- Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany. 希特勒試圖全部消滅德國的猶太人。
- Many Jews come to this synagogue on Saturday. 星期六的時候,許多猶太人到這所猶太教會堂來。
- The German fascists massacred almost all the Jews in town. 德國法西斯分子幾乎殺光了城裡的猶太人。
- The Jews suffered terrible persecution under Hitler's rule. 猶太人在希特勒的統治下受到殘酷的迫害。
- Moslems and Jews do not consider pork a clean meat. 回教徒和猶太教徒認為豬肉是不能吃的肉。
- Germany is exterminating the Jews of Europe. 德國正在滅絕歐洲猶太人。
- Jews passed the store hand to hand up the gangway. 猶太人把貨物傳遞到舷梯。
- The Nazi oppression of the Jews horrifies me. 納粹對猶太人的迫害使我反感。
- Europeans and Jews do not readily assimilate. 歐洲人和猶太人不易同化。
- One who is not a Christian, Moslem, or Jew; a heathen. 異教徒基督教、猶太教或伊斯蘭教徒以外的人; 異教徒
- The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews. 納粹宣傳者辱罵猶太人。
- A section of a medieval city inhabited by Jews; a ghetto. 猶太人居住區猶太人在中世紀居住的城市的一部分; (城市中的)猶太人區
- Many Jews immigrated into the United States. 許多猶太人移居美國。
- In commerce and usury field , Jew is more activity. 在商業和信貸業領域,猶太人更為活躍。
- Accuser: He calls himself the King of the Jews! 原告:他稱自己為猶太人的王!
- There was Don, a Jew; but I distrusted him. 有道恩,一個猶太人,但我不信任他。
- Many of these Jews are now quite harmless madman. 這些猶太人當中許多已變成毫無血性的瘋子了。
- A burly figure bursts from the Jews. 從猶太人當中驀地衝出一個彪形大漢。