- It's hardly surprising she was fired; she never did any work. 她被解僱了不足為怪;她從來沒幹過任何工作。
- It is hardly surprising, then, that the bond market is quailing. 因此,債市出現恐慌情緒不足為奇。
- I know it』s Swedish, but it』s hardly Bergman, is it? 我知道是瑞典的,但是不可能是伯格曼的,對嗎?
- If the West is wearying of its Afghan adventure, it is hardly surprising. 西方陣營對阿富汗戰場產生厭倦情緒也在情理之中。
- In my view, this is hardly surprising. 在我看來,這實在不是怪事。
- There『s hardly any traffic out in the boonies. 幾乎沒有任何交通到僻鄉野外。
- This coyness is hardly surprising. ISDA的保守不值得奇怪。
- It's hardly surprising that this bold, or perhaps crotchety, proposal was instantly controversial. 不出所料,這個大膽,些許有些離奇的建議一經提出便立刻引起爭議。
- If you will keep your watch half an hour slow it is hardly surprising that you are late for your appointments. 如果你一定要讓你的錶慢半小時,你在約會時遲到就不足為奇了。
- The bathrooms are tiny and there』s hardly any difference between business and economy class loos. 洗手間一丁點大,而公務艙和經濟艙的洗手間幾乎沒有區別。
- This is hardly surprising because most of them do not maintain or have access to genealogical records beyond their immediate forebears. 這也沒什麼稀奇的,因為他們大多沒有留下任何家譜記錄,甚至沒有家譜可查閱。比直系親屬更上一代的祖先恐怕已經追溯不到了。
- If you will keep your watch half an hour slow,it is hardly surprising that you are late for your appointments. 如果你一定要讓你的錶慢半小時,你在約會時遲到就不足為奇了。
- This is hardly surprising because most of them do not maintain or have access to,genealogical records beyond their immediate forebears. 其實這也沒什麼稀奇的,因為他們大多沒有留下任何家譜記錄,甚至沒有家譜可查閱。比直系親屬更上一代的祖先恐怕已經追溯不到了。
- Hardly surprising, then, that researchers blame this sedentary lifestyle for our weight gain. 所以,研究人員將發胖歸咎於這種久坐的生活習慣不無道理。
- It is hardly surprising that a green lobby group should decry the practices of the logging industry. 綠色環保團體譴責伐木公司的行為一點也不令人驚訝。
- Thus, I found it hardly surprising on a recent visit to the Pentagon that every TV set was tuned to Fox. 因此,最近我去五角大樓參觀時,發現每台電視機都在播放福克斯新聞,就不足為奇了。
- With news like this, it's hardly surprising that other governments are turning to IVF, since nothing else seem to work. 由於有了這樣的新聞,所以既然任何其它方法似乎都不管用,那麼其它政府正在轉向試管受精也就很難讓人感到奇怪了。
- Given all this, it is hardly surprising that the number of new nations is proliferating. 考慮到這一切,新國家變得越來越多,一點也不令人奇怪。
- Hardly surprising when you consider the huge expat community calling Singapore home. 因此,你會看見很多移居到這裡來的人把新加坡稱為家,這也不是什麼稀奇的事了。
- It is hardly surprising that poets and musicians have always felt at home there, for the land pulses with the heartbeat of humanity. 詩人和音樂家在維也納總是覺得很自在,這當然毫不奇怪,因為維也納的大地跳動著人性的脈搏。