- It was never fear that drove my pen! 驅使我手中之筆的決不是恐懼!
- It was my good luck to be there. 我到達那裡是我的好運。
- Einstein once said modestly that it was just his good fortune . 愛因斯坦曾經說,只不過 是因為他的運氣好
- "It was, of course, never my intention to offend or disrespect anyone. 「我真的沒有想要冒犯或是不尊重任何一個人。」
- It was never for nothing that the gled whistled. 老鷹叫,有奧妙。
- If it does not,it was never yours to begin with. 而我當時入隊惟一的要求就是上場時間。。。
- It was never going to be lambs to the slaughter. 我們從來就不是什麼待屠殺的羊羔。
- It was never a problem until commy. 人們吃穿不成問題了?
- Then the cloud of dust suddenly vanished as if it was never there. 接下來,那黑雲就像從來沒有出現過一樣,突然消失了。
- He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain. 他看了一眼我的新表,說買得很上算。
- Operations from it were never interrupted by rain. 在該處工作決不致受雨的阻礙。
- But for Mubasher, who was never injured, it was not so easy. 不過,對於穆巴舍而言,因為他沒有受傷,想離開就不是那麽容易了。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我覺得那相當好。
- Her anger was never furious; here love never fierce: it was deep and tender. 她的憤怒從來不是狂暴的;她的愛也從來不是熾烈的,而是深沉、溫柔的。
- It was great, particularly since I knew, in those days, that I was never wrong. 這真是好極了,特別是我也知道,在那些日子裡我從未錯過。
- They liked this field because it was never visited by meddling strangers. 她們喜歡這塊田野,因為好事的陌生人從來不到那裡去。
- Menlo Park was in the country but while Edison was there it was never peaceful. 門羅園地處鄉村,但是自從愛迪生搬到那兒,它就一刻也不得清靜了。
- Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be raised or resurrected. 由於它從未真正活著,因此既無法復活也無法復生。
- I stubbed my toe on the stone: it was very painful. 我把腳踢到了石頭上,疼極了。
- It was unfair that Ivan answered for my mischief. 伊凡為我的胡鬧去受懲罰是不公平的。