- It is my belief that good manners are very important to everybody. 我相信禮貌對大家是很重要的。
- It is our belief that every body is equal before the law. 我們相信法律面前人人平等。
- It is accepted belief that wind is air in movement. 普遍認為風是流動的空氣。
- It is her belief that people are Basically good. 她相信人類基本上是善良的。
- It is my belief that nuclear weapons are immoral. 我相信使核武器是不邪惡的。
- It is one of the strangest things in nature. 那可真是奇怪的東西之一。
- It is one of the highlight of the match. 這是比賽中最精彩的項目之一。
- It is easy of belief that moderate exercise makes people healthy. 無疑,適度的運動有益於健康。
- It is one day's journey to get to the seaside. 到海濱是一天的行程。
- It is his belief that education should not be the privilege of a limited number of people. 他相信,教育不應該是某一限定人數的特權。
- It is an erroneous belief that children make no mistakes. 孩子不犯錯誤才是錯誤。
- These it is one that restrain era that pigeonhole. 這是一個抑壓的時代。
- It is my belief that..., ie It is my firm opinion that... 我相信....
- It is your belief that if she marries me he will cut her off. 你是不是相信,她跟我結婚後他會剝奪她的繼承權。
- It is one thing to make money, and it is another to spend it. 賺錢是一回事,而花錢又是另一回事。
- It is a widespread belief that China will join the WTO. 人們普遍相信中國將加入世貿組織。
- What to do is one question, and how to do it is quite another. 應該做什麼和應該怎樣做是完全不同的兩個問題。
- It is my belief that...,ie It is my firm opinion that... 我相信....
- It is one of the great masterpieces of European art. 它是歐洲藝術最傑出的作品之一。
- It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently. 說得多是一回事,講得中肯又是一回事。