- It's within his province to issue orders. 他有權發布命令。
- It is within his province to issue orders. 他有權發布命令。
- It' s within his province to issue orders. 他有權發布命令。
- Issue orders to Chancellor, Treasurer and Marshal. 發布命令校長,司庫和元帥。
- They are issuing orders and are running every thing. 他們發號施令,指揮一切。
- Process and issue orders to manufacture parts and products and follow up production to meet specified dates. 處理及下達生產指令並跟蹤生產進程,保證按期交貨。
- Managers under this system set goals and issue orders after discussing them with the subordinates. 在這個體系中,經理人在與下屬討論協商后制定目標,發布指令。
- Jason was strutting around the office, issuing orders. 傑森在辦公室里神氣十足地走來走去,發號施令。
- As if, we had stood to the foremost edge of world science and technology, be the overmatch that can issue orders. 曾經,「世界工廠」的美譽讓我們是何等的驕傲!彷彿,我們已經站到了世界科學技術的最前沿,是可以發號施令的強者了。
- The Customers Service/ Order Handler is responsible for receiving customer orders, issue order confirmation and delivery of orders. 客戶服務/單處理的責任包括接受訂單、認並對該訂單作出處理。
- Process and issue orders to purchase materials and fabricate parts of subassemblies, recommend outside work when necessary and authorize manufacturing orders. 處理及確認材料及零件的採購質量。必要時提出外加工的具體要求與標準。
- Concentrators issue orders, multi-meters receiving and forwarding, the data of target meter return to concentrators is also multi-meters receiving and forwarding. 集中器發出抄表命令,多表接收、多錶轉發,目標表發回抄表數據也是多表接收、多錶轉發,回到集中器。
- Speak of in the dollar ambition with square generation the government in Yuan Dynasty issue order the city wall of demolition everyplace. 元代方誌中提到元朝政府下令拆毀各地的城牆。
- Issue order to suppliers against MRP. Track order status, work with Material planner together to reach the inventory target. 根據MRP系統建議給供應商下訂單,跟蹤訂單執行情況並在系統中及時更新,協同物料計劃員把庫存控制在目標範圍內.
- At 11:30 A.M., the weather become fair and Nepoleon issues order to attack. 上午11時30分,天氣轉晴,拿破崙下令出擊。
- We object to being ordered about and we,for our part,will never issue orders to others. 我們反對人家對我們發號施令,我們也決不能對人家發號施令。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 為了不遲到,她抄近路穿過田野。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 為了在天黑前到達,我們很早就動身了。
- We object to being ordered about and we, for our part, will never issue orders to others. 我們反對人家對我們發號施令,我們也決不能對人家發號施令。
- Cadres should go deep among the masses, not just sit in their offices issuing orders. 幹部要深入群眾,不要只是坐在辦公室里發號施令。