- An imperial edict was given for an amnesty. 下詔大赦天下。
- The emperor can directly issue an imperial edict to appoint the officials of Three Courts; 皇帝則通過或是越過宰相、樞密院集議,直接以內降手詔任命三衙;
- Some days later, Prefect Tu recieved an imperial edict. 就這時,杜太守接到聖旨,因金人南侵,將他升任安撫使,鎮守淮揚。
- An imperial edict is a writ in the name of an emperor. 詔書是以皇帝名義發布指令的專用文書。
- This temple was built according to an imperial edict during the Song Dynasty. 這座武廟敕建於宋朝年間。
- Do you take everything he says as seriously as you would an imperial edict? 你把他的話當成聖旨啦?
- Reuter's Pekin correspondent telegraphs that an Imperial edict has been issued raising Confucius to the same rank as Heaven and Earth, which are worshipped by the Emperor alone. 路透社北京記者電 :朝廷下旨,將孔子提升至與皇天、後土並列,只受皇帝本人參拜。
- In February of the fifth year of Tiansheng (1027 AD), in the form of an imperial edict, the emperor of Renzong issued the earliest script examination system. 天聖五年(1027年)二月,仁宗皇帝以詔令的形式頒布了迄今為止我們所能見到的最早的較為詳盡的書稿審查制度。
- In 1214, the Southern Song court issued an imperial decree making the Goddess of Mercy the only god to be worshipped in Pu'Tuo'Shan. 到1214年(南宋嘉定七年),朝廷正式規定: 普陀山只供奉觀音菩薩。
- One word from you would be better than an imperial edict; 有你的一句話,比聖旨還靈;
- Catherine the Great was apparently an imperial hot pants. 葉卡捷琳娜二世顯然是個風流女皇。
- So Haman deceived the king and persuaded him to issue an edict condemning the Jews to death. 所以哈曼欺騙王,說服王頒布滅絕猶太人的布告。
- After the old monks death, the fool monk got the imperial edict. 老和尚一死,傻和尚得了天書。
- They issue an update on the snow forecast. 他們發布了最新的降雪預報。
- If I were King, my name would be changed to "Your Majesty" and every word I said would be an "imperial edict". 我若為王,我的姓名就會改作:「萬歲」,我的每一句話都成為:「聖旨」。
- It looks like an Imperial cruiser. 朱伊,我們快離開<p>天!
- By then Britain as an imperial power had declined. 到那時,英國作為一個帝國已經衰落。
- The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners. 皇帝頒布了一項不得和外國人做生意的敕令。
- The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem. 荊棘冠冕遠遠超過國王的王冠。
- an Imperial envoy often went on a tour of inspection carrying an imperial edict. 欽差大臣一般都帶著敕書巡查地方。