- Irrigation is the lifeblood of agriculture. 水利是農業的命脈。
- All this signs rejuvenation of agriculture. 所有這些都預示著農業將復甦。
- Seventh, the question of agriculture. 第七點,農業問題。
- The study or science of agriculture. 農藝農業研究或科學
- He will become secretary of agriculture. 他將成為下一任農業部長。
- Institute of Agriculture in Novi Sad: f.1938. 諾維薩德農業研究所:1938年成立。
- Irrigation, which is the lifeblood of agriculture, also merits close attention. 水利是農業的命脈,我們也應予以極大的注意。
- Irrigation,which is the lifeblood of agriculture,also merits close attention. 水利是農業的命脈,我們也應予以極大的注意。
- The overall production capacity of agriculture has risen notably. 農業綜合生產能力顯著提高。
- He sold his company to become Minister of Agriculture. 他為了當農業大臣把公司賣了。
- He showed his poverty in his knowledge of agriculture. 他表現出缺乏對農業知識的了解。
- The country is heavily dependent on its exports of agricultural commodities. 這個國家很大程度上依靠農產品的出口。
- Irrigation of the wound with saline solution removed 85% of the infection. 用鹽溶液沖洗傷口,減少了85%25的感染可能性。
- The development of agriculture and industry needs careful planning. 農業和工業的發展需要周密的計劃。
- It's no exception to the sustainable development of agriculture. 農業可持續發展當然也不例外。
- Bureau of Animal husbandry of Ministry of Agriculture, PRC. 中華人民共和國農業部畜牧獸醫局。
- You do not seem to know the first rudiments of agriculture. 你似乎連農業上的一點最起碼的常識也沒有。
- Allelopathy in sustainable development of agriculture. 論農業持續發展中的化感作用。
- The Romans they were the first to build aqueducts in the area to aid irrigation of the land. 羅馬人在該地區最先用建造水道來幫助灌溉土地。
- Their way of agriculture led to floods and droughts. 破壞自然導致洪澇和乾旱。