- Our old former teacher used to rule the class with an iron fist. 我們過去的教師一向對課堂控制得很嚴。
- Nazi ruled the nation with an iron fist. 納粹以強權統治這個國家。
- Radical Jacobin club means to rule the city with an iron fist until after the fall of Robespierre was overthrown. 激進的雅各賓俱樂部用鐵腕手段統治該市,直到羅伯斯庇爾倒台後才被推翻。
- Entertain with jousts, lavish feasts and tournaments or rule with an iron fist and dispense medieval justice to your overworked and slovenly peasants. 娛樂與人文,奢華盛宴和比賽規則或同一個鐵拳和免除中世紀正義你過於草率農民。
- Jeff has wielded an iron fist since taking over the company. 傑夫接管公司后就施行鐵腕政策。
- He and I are just discussing whether I have an iron fist in a velvet glove. 我和他正在討論我是否採用外柔內剛的手段。
- Boxing market Heroes wins, let your opponent know that the powerful iron fist. 拳擊場上勇者勝,讓對手知道你鐵拳的厲害。
- He ruled this august orchestra with a brilliant ear and an iron fist. 他以敏銳的聽覺和堅強的手腕控制著這個尊嚴的樂隊。
- The boss always appears kind and sympathetic but in fact rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove. 老闆總是似乎很仁慈和富有同情心,但實際上他是外柔內剛。
- With kid gloves an iron fist hand in a velvet glove glovedThe fire cast a warm glow on the walls. 爐火映在牆上呈現一片融融紅光。
- The boss always appears kind and sympathetic,but in fact rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove. 老闆總是似乎很仁慈和富有同情心,但實際上他是外柔內剛。
- His lightning punches, in a style the ancients called Iron Fist, generate their own, thunk! 他的「鐵線拳」快如閃電,出拳時風聲作響,武打片中的配音特效也不過如此。
- Officials are unlikely to conclude, however, that a lighter touch is any more effective than Lhasa's iron fist. 官方不可能承認,然而,相比拉薩在警察的鐵拳之下,在其他地方和藏民有輕微的接觸還是可能的。
- The Inca emperor ruled with an iron fist, with all but the few elite made to work the land. 印加皇帝採取鐵腕的統治手段,除了少數菁英之外,所有人都被迫耕作土地。
- An iron fist in a velvet glove was needed. She tried a soft touch. " I know you're ambitious, but I really am keen on you. 能剛能柔才是本事,她得版霜他一把兒:「我也知道你是要強啊,可是你也得知道我是真疼你。
- Though democratically elected, this vindictive and power-hungry despot ruled his homeworld of Pantora with an iron fist. 雖然他是民主選舉產生的,但這個暴君復仇心重,渴望權力,以鐵腕治理他的母星潘托拉。
- In 2009, no iron fist is strong enough to shut off the world from bearing witness to peaceful protests [sic] of justice. 在2009年,任何鐵腕手段也不能阻止全世界看到伊朗人民為正義而進行的和平的抗爭。
- Making sure James handles his business as a respectful employee on the court is Brown's job, but in today's world the coach seldom rules with an iron fist. 確保讓詹姆斯以一個尊重主教練的雇傭者身份出現在場上,則是布朗的工作。不過在如今這個世界,教練很少會用鐵腕管理球隊。
- Example One: Jarajan had ruled his august orchestra, the Berlin Philharmonic- of which he had been named conductor for life in 1955- with a brilliant ear and an iron fist. 卡拉揚在1955年被任命為柏林交響樂團終生指揮,從此他就以敏銳的聽覺和強硬的手腕控制著這個尊嚴的樂隊。
- Some say the gronn gave rise to the lesser ogres, yet if so, the gronn show but little love for their offspring, lording over the ogre clans with an iron fist. 傳說古羅族創造了巨魔種族,即使傳言真是如此,他們對於後代卻是無愛的,實際上他們以野蠻無情的鐵腕統治著巨魔。