- A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers. 規程為管理調整計算機間數據交流的標準程序
- Fast data transmission and low power consumption. 傳輸數據速度快,功耗底。
- A unit of speed in data transmission usually equal to one bit per second. (電信)波特發報、數據傳輸速率單位,每秒傳輸一個比特
- A term applied to a data transmission carried on the public switched telephone network and initiated by dialing the telephone number of the receiving station. 應用於普通開關電話網數據傳輸上的術語,指撥通某接收站的電話號碼就能訪問該系統的性質和動作。
- SVCs are use in situations where data transmission is sporadic. SVC用於數據傳輸是周期性的情況。
- Full duplex: Data transmission in both directions simultaneously. 全雙向:數據同時的接收及傳發.
- PPP is a protocol for data transmission using a serial device. PPP是使用串列設備進行數據傳輸的協議。
- Data transmission and return with ASP and NDS technologies. 採用 ASP和 NDS技術進行數據傳輸與回傳。
- Data transmission is only initiated by the computer. 數據傳輸只由計算機啟動。
- Jonas & Hodgson model. It is hard to completely determine the industrial applicability of the models due to the lack of plant data. 因為缺少工業現場的數據作比較,對模型的工業適用性尚不能確定。
- In ACF/VTAM, the unit of data transmission for record-mode. 在通信系統軟體ACF/VTAM中,以記錄方式來傳輸數據的單位。
- SSL does not provide more than simple data transmission security. SSL不提供更簡單的數據傳輸安全。
- Based on the HPC password ARQ data transmission protocol. 基於Hpc密碼的選擇重傳協議的數據傳輸。
- This paper describes the principles of Amisol purification, its process development,pilot plant data,commercialized plant design and the operation performances. 本文介紹了常溫甲醇洗凈化原理及工藝開發,引述了該工藝的小試數據、工業裝置設計及開車運行情況。
- The measure of data transmission speed ; a thousand bits per second. 數據傳輸速率的單位,為每秒1000波特。
- The predetermined mandatory order, organization or position of symbols in a computer instruction, data or word, data transmission message, etc. The order is mandatory so that the computer can understand and interpret the information. 對計算機的指令、數據或字以及數據傳輸所預先確定的且必須遵循的各種符號的次序、結構或位置。次序必須遵循,否則計算機不能理解和解釋信息。
- This page will explain how TCP uses three-way handshakes for data transmission. 本頁將解釋為了資料傳輸,TCP如何使用三向交握。
- By far, TCP and SCTP are still the main methods of reliable data transmission. 目前,實現可靠數據傳遞的方法主要採用傳輸控制TCP協議或者SCTP簡單流傳輸協議。
- Can realize the process of data transmission functions of CRC checksum cycle. 可實現數據傳輸過程的crc循環校驗功能。
- In data transmission, the sequence of contiguous bits bracketed by and including beginning and ending flag sequences. 在數據傳輸中,被起始和終止標誌序列括起來並包括標誌序列在內的連續二進位位的序列。