- Intervention by central banks became very costly. 由中央銀行干預的代價很大。
- The CPU simply becomes overburdened by context switching between threads. 由於要在線程間進行上下文切換,因此CPU簡直變成了超載。
- Nor, Mr Phelps has written, does it mean「 a pristine element of nature not susceptible to intervention by man. 菲爾普斯撰文稱,「自然」同樣也不意味著「本真的自然元素不易受人的干預」。
- The realization of the underlying emotional metaphors and metonymies in the characters is influenced by context. 對漢字在具體語境中的分析表明,語境對隱喻和轉喻在語言中的實現過程中存在著一定的影響。
- At first he dared not make any attempt to recover the remainder through fear of intervention by Srivijava. 最初,由於害怕室利佛逝的干涉,他不敢作收復其餘地方的任何嘗試。
- The Influence on Atrial Action Potential of Guinea Pig by Rapid Stimulation and Intervention by Diltiazem and Esmolol. 快速刺激對豚鼠心房肌動作電位的影響及地爾硫卓、艾司洛爾的干預作用。
- But that would now require spectacular intervention by the Almighty on behalf of the admittedly pious Mr Huckabee. 雖然麥凱恩代表共和黨角逐總統大選尚未成為定局,但要從他手中奪走黨內提名,除非萬能之主出手相助無比虔誠的赫卡比先生。
- Nor, Mr Phelps has written, does it mean 「a pristine element of nature not susceptible to intervention by man. 而意味著「自然的原始成分不容易被人們介入操縱」,菲爾普斯先生這麼寫道。
- It is thus suggested that when learning multi-morpheme words in the list, students should use morphological motivation strategy, followed by context learning. 最後提出:在利用單詞表記憶多詞素詞時,應使用形態理據策略,並結合上下文的學習來補充辭彙知識。
- But at the current level of around 100 yen per dollar the intervention by the government is unlikely. 但是,在目前一美元兌換大約100日元的情況下,政府不太可能進行干預。」
- APPN also allows remote workstations to communicate with each other, without intervention by a central computer. APPN還允許遠端工作站彼此通信而不需要中央計算機介入。
- Results Through effectual intervention by policy,cutting down attack rate of URTI. 結果通過有針對性的政策干預,降低上呼吸道感染髮病率。
- The authors advocated immediate intervention by industry chiefs to stopfledglingoffice authoritarians from rising up the ranks. 研究報告的撰寫者們呼籲行業領導立即採取措施阻止有此種苗頭的單位領導獲得晉陞機會。
- In practice, even fixed exchange rates are allowed to fluctuate between definite upper and lower bands, leading to intervention by the central bank. 實際上,甚至固定匯率也被允許在規定的上限和下限浮動區間內波動,這會導致中央銀行進行干預。
- The excessive and unsuitable intervention by the government,however,makes its behavior opposite to its original intention to promote the development of the security market. 但政府過多和不當的干預使政府行為異化,有悖於其促進證券市場發展的初衷。
- As it piled up debt to fund ever riskier bets, the financial system put itself in a position where only massive intervention by the world's governments kept it going. 由於越來越多的累積借貸被用於高風險投資,導致金融系統現在只能依靠各國政府的廣泛干涉才能維持運作。
- A functional unit that can perform substantial computation, including numerous arithmetic operations or logic operations, without intervention by ahuman operator during a run. 能執行大量計算,包括許多算術運算和邏輯運算,而在運行期間無需操作員干預的一種操作裝置。
- OBJECTIVE:to offer evidence for preschool edu ca tion and preschool intervention by analyzing the result of the intelligence test for 478 children. 目的:分析478例兒童智力測驗結果,為早期教育、早期干預提供依據。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺騙手段說服她在文件上簽字。
- The global markets, huge in size, with billions of transactions, move with too great speed for meaningful intervention by regulators. 全球市場規模巨大,進行著不計其數的交易,市場瞬息萬變,使監管者來不及實施有意義的干預。