- trouble-shooting案例分析case analysis
- 請下載這個WAR文件並且作為參考。Please download that WAR file and use it as a reference.
- 此上下文的名稱基於WAR文件的名稱。This context name is based on the name of the WAR file.
- WAR文件將是基礎EAR文件的一部分。That WAR file will be part of the underlying EAR file.
- 最後,我們已準備好創建WAR文件以備分發。Finally, we are ready to create the WAR file for distribution.
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- 輸入導出的WAR文件的名稱,包括全路徑在內。Enter the name of the exported WAR file, including the full path.
- 在War根路徑欄位,輸入項目的Web歸檔的根目錄的。In the War Root Path field, enter the path of the root directory of the project's web archive.
- WAR文件的主題對於本文的範圍來講實在是太冗長了。The topic of WAR files is far too lengthy for the scope of this article.
- 必須作為WAR文件的一部分存儲在WEB-INF子目錄下。This must be stored as part of the WAR file under the WEB-INF subdirectory.
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- 在我們的示例中,我們需要使WAR文件依賴於SCA模塊。In our case, we need to make the WAR file depend on the SCA module.
- Web子項目生成一個WAR文件,該文件包含源目錄的類、The Web subproject produces a WAR file containing classes in the source directory, JSP files in the
- 因此,將Web伺服器文檔根目錄設置為WAR根目錄是不合適的。Thus, it is inappropriate to set the Web server document root to the WAR root.
- 如果您這樣做,Web伺服器將不加解釋地提供WAR的所有內容。If you do this, the Web server will serve up all the content of the WAR without interpretation.
- 同名目錄中是展開的WAR文件,所以請進入這個目錄到處看看。This is the expanded WAR file, so change into that directory and take a look around.
- 這樣Tomcat就會自動展開WAR文件並把它部署成Web應用程序。Tomcat then automatically expands and deploys the WAR file as a Web application.
- 一旦安裝了war文件,您就可以通過幾個步驟創建自定義品牌主題。Once you have installed the war file, you can create custom-branded themes in a few steps.
- 然而,WAR文件的加入可以改善存儲在Web伺服器的文件的管理和升級。However, the addition of the WAR file could improve both management and upgrades to files stored on a Web server.
- 測試安裝過程的最簡單方法是在WAR項目的根文件夾中創建一個新文件。The easiest way to test your installation is to create a new file in the root folder of your WAR project.