- Regarding the balance sheet and income statement referred to in Paragraph 1 above, a business may, depending on actual need, prepare detailed lists of accounts and cost statement. 第一項資產負債表及損益表,商業得視實際需要,另編各科目明細表及成本計算表。
- In the interim meetings will be held at my house. 在此之前,會議在我家舉行。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估計她減少了一半的費用。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不談巨額費用問題。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到遠東旅遊的費用高的令人不敢問津。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至於費用方面,我們只好留到下次會議再討論。
- Acting or done ad interim; temporary. 臨時的暫時做事的; 臨時的
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那個吉他,但他父母看到吉他的價格卻躊躇不決。
- He put the telephone bill down as a business cost. 他把電話費用作為辦公費記下。
- My new car cost me a cool thousand pounds. 我的新車整整花了我1000鎊。
- How much did it cost you to study abroad? 你出國深造花了多少錢?
- The statement is interim in nature and is subject to correction, if any. 該聲明是臨時性的,如有必要可以修正。
- A good video camera will cost you a pretty penny. 一台好的攝像機要花掉你很多錢。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美國住一年要花很多的錢。
- He is determined to stay in the saddle at all cost. 他打定主意要不惜一切代價繼續掌權。
- It will be to his cost if he bets on that horse. 如果他賭在那匹馬上,他可就要吃虧了。
- I'm determined to attain my purpose at any cost. 我決心不惜任何代價達到目的。
- The bumbling of our salesman cost us the account. 推銷員所犯的錯誤使我們失去了那位客戶。
- The cost will be stopped out of your salary. 費用將從你的工資中扣除。
- The full cost of the holiday fell upon me. 度假的全部費用都甩給我支付。