- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- To solve the problem that restricts the management of the company, this system adopts fast LAN of inner departments and dial-up access to inter departments, and utilizes newly technique, introduces hybrid operation mode of C/S and B/S system structure. 該系統採用了各分部內快速區域網、分部間電話撥號聯網的方式,並利用當前的先進技術,採取C/S體系結構和B/S體系結構相結合的運行模式,有效地解決了該公司因信息不暢造成的管理瓶頸問題。
- I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. 我被迫違心地在協議上籤了字。
- The country violated the international agreement. 這個國家違反了國際協議。
- He seemed somewhat loath to depart. 他似乎不願離去。
- Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英國和中國簽署了貿易協定。
- The war forced us to depart from the old customs. 戰爭迫使我們不得不違背舊習俗。
- The teacher nodded in agreement. 老師同意地點點頭。
- We are in substantial agreement. 我們實際上意見一致。
- He is unwilling to depart from regular practice. 他不願意背離常規。
- The agreement is a compromise, not a sell-out. 這個協議是雙方妥協的產物而不是一方讓步。
- Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. [諺]禍來如飛行,禍去似步行。
- Forgive me, but are you sure about the agreement? 請原諒,但是你對那個協議肯定嗎?
- The outbound flight depart at 9.15. 飛往外地(或外國)的飛機9:15起飛。
- They have broken the agreement between us. 他們撕毀了與我們的協議。
- Your action is a breach of our agreement. 你的行動違反了我們的協議。
- He was steamrollered into signing the agreement. 他在強大的壓力之下籤署了協議。
- The agreement has been renewed for another year. 該協定的期限已經再延長一年。
- The agreement has to be ratified by the board. 該協議必須由董事會批准。
- The agreement is binding on both parties. 協議對雙方具有約束力。