- Don't think she's the bad person. 我肯定她是一個好人。
- I don't think he is a bad person. 我並不認為他是一個壞人。
- Actually, Albee is not a bad person. 糖果那句真的讓我嚇到 了。
- Do not want and suffer from this ill person handclasp. 不要和患此病的人握手。
- Perhaps you are vexed because a bad person took your belongings. 或許你因??一個壞人拿走你的東西而感到苦惱。
- He is the worst person that I have met. 他是我所遇到的最壞的人。
- They will not go to allow bad person , do some grossly unjust matters. 他們不會去聽任壞人,去干一些傷天害理的事情。
- He's come through some bad personal ordeals. 他個人經歷了一些沉痛的考驗。
- Not yet, but I punished a bad person today, and stole his things, oh. 不仍然,但是我今天處罰了一個壞的人,而且偷了他的事物,表示驚訝。
- It is not I who accuse you or tell you that you are a bad person or that you try to tell lies to me. 並非我指責你們或說你們不好或指控你們企圖對我說謊我不是那個意思。
- We cannot let every bad person off the hook. That is unethical. The ultimate contradiction. 若你說不,那是讓壞人逍遙法外,這是不道德的,最終極的矛盾。
- Bad person is the one who originally should have budded into bud but sprouted into bad! 什麼叫做壞人?壞人就是壞了、我是人!(哎呀糟了,我怎麼投胎作了人?
- "The character I play isn't a bad person, but he's rather overzealous and sees everything in black and white. 我扮演的角色不是一個壞人,但他過分熱心,看待事物總是黑白分明。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- I can say to the child, there is bad person on this world, but hellion is very few. 我會對孩子說,這個世界上有壞人,但壞人很少。
- Still feel tuff though i`m far away home.So confused.I don`t want be a bad person but what is a good one?don`t know... 還是和每次回來的狀態一樣;剛回來和爺爺奶奶相處的很好;過了幾天就又不行了.;可能是從小身邊沒有老人的緣故吧
- People with bad personal hygiene are prone to get parasites in their bodies. 不講究個人衛生的人很容易在體內產生寄生蟲。
- The boy evinces great intelligence. 這個男孩表現出很高的智慧。
- Andre: Why should I give you my respect? Because you call your a teacher. How do I know that your not a bad person standing up there? 安德列:為什麼我要對你尊敬?因為你管自己叫老師。我是怎麼知道你站在那兒就不是壞人了?
- She's not lacking in intelligence. 她並不缺乏學識。