- How can you stop the rain from falling down? 你怎能讓雨滴不再從天而降?
- The footwear shall protect the wearer`s toes against risk of injury from falling object and crushing when worn in work environments where potential hazards occur. 當使用者在戶外工作有潛在危險的發生時.;安全鞋/靴應該保護穿戴者的腳趾來自掉落物和擠壓帶來的傷害風險
- Snape could make out every rib, and the underwear had been knotted at the waist to keep them from falling down. 斯內普可以辨認出每根肋骨,而他的內褲被系在腰上,免得滑下去。
- Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder where you are? He is the one who protect the stars from falling down. 香港年輕動畫家的姊妹檔:不論是定格還是手繪動畫,也表達了少年人的體會與承擔。
- It prevents the slope rock from falling down, which avoids the hurt to t he human beings on the road. 在道路邊坡上鋪設土工網可以防止岩石的滑落,避免石塊對人體造成損傷。
- How wonderful it was that You came to me, it was a miracle. You stretched Your miraculous hand to catch me from falling down into the abyss. 但奇妙的事發生了,您奇迹般地來到我身旁,伸出神奇的雙手將我抱住,使我免於墜落深淵之中。
- A good boyfriend is like a bra, comfortable, supportive, stopping you from falling down, and always close to your heart. 不過經常看到報導都說喝碳酸飲料不好的哦,不過我喜歡吃雪糕。。
- The top three causes of injuries were in turn traffic accident injuries (32.38%), blunt injuries (26.82%) and injuries from fall (26.21%). 傷害發生原因居於前3位的依次為交通事故傷害(32.;38%25)、鈍器傷(26
- To use the geogrid in the retaining wall can prevent slope from falling down and be convenient for building, lower the construction cost . 在擋土牆上使用,可防止滑坡並且施工方便,降低了製造成本。
- Say this and your listeners will picture one of two things : either you prevented your sister from falling down or you robbed her at gunpoint. 如果你這麼說的話,聽者就會想象出兩種可能性:或者你阻止了妹妹掉下來,或者你用槍指著你妹妹從而實施搶劫。
- The worker fell down from the scaffold. 那個工人從腳手架掉了下來。
- The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down. 那小孩學著走路但老是跌跤。
- Meat is kept from falling away in cold storage. 肉放在冷藏庫里以防腐爛。
- The beggar fell down in a swoon from sheer hunger. 那個窮人餓得暈倒了。
- You must watch your step so as not to fall down. 你必須留心腳下才不會跌下去。
- Far from falling, the price of commodity go on rising. 非但沒有下降,商品的價格還繼續上升。
- The house is falling down from lack of attention. 房屋由於年久失修,眼看就要倒坍了。
- She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but from head injury when she fell down a flight of stairs. 她90歲時去逝,並不是老死,而是從樓梯上摔下來頭部受傷而死。
- I heard someone fall down the stairway. 我聽到有人摔下樓梯。
- He grabbed at the boy, but can not save him from falling. 他想抓住那男孩兒,然而那孩子還是跌倒了。