- He is shot the injury by a rocket. 他被一支箭射傷了。
- Some hibernating animals may wake up on warm winter days. 在冬天溫暖的日子裡,一些冬眠動物可能會醒來。
- Dewax are first done by boiling and second by warm water. 退蠟沸水退蠟,二次退蠟用溫水。
- This year, it is said, we are going to have a warmer winter. 據說今年冬天會比較暖和。
- To respond to insult or injury by patiently eschewing retaliation. 逆來順受以忍耐對待侮辱和傷害
- This rabbit fur scarf gives you a warm winter despite the chillness in the air. 一條質地柔軟的兔毛圍巾,讓你溫暖一冬。
- Building workers risk injury by not wearing helmets. 建築工人不戴安全帽便有受傷的危險。
- This is a response to injury by "downsizing" to conserve the cell. 這是對損傷的反應,通過「縮小」保護細胞。
- The right temperature in a home is maintained by warm hearts, not by hot heads. 維持家中合適的溫度需要的是一顆熱心而不是頭腦發熱。
- Stop any bleeding injury by applying direct pressure to the wound. 如有流血的外傷,立即直接壓迫傷處止血。
- Wagner left back home because of injury by replacing Igor Ivanov. 主隊左後衛瓦格納因傷被伊萬諾夫替下。
- At cold start of the unit, the DeNOx unit should be preheated by warm air. 在冷啟動的時候,脫硝裝置應該先由暖空氣預熱。
- The ageless won't grow old. You sail with your young bride. Love will warm winter cold. Spring will ever abide. 振寧不老松,揚帆為小翁,歲寒情更熱,花好駐春風。
- When the warm winter sun shone on a Sunday, I wanted to go outdoors. I went to the Elephant hill nearby my house. 在冬日暖陽的臨照下,星期假日便升起走向戶外的意念。離家不遠的象山,是這個周日選擇的目的地。
- You escaped serious injury by a whisker, so consider yourselves very lucky. 你差一點就受重傷,你應該覺得自己很幸運。
- The uncommonly warm winter season in much of the Western hemisphere also pushed prices down. 西半球大面積罕見的暖冬天氣也促使油價下跌。
- A warm winter allowed more construction work than usual, spurring an aberrantly large rise in first-quarter GDP. 由於天氣暖和,第一季度的建築施工量多於通常水平,刺激該季度國內生產總值反常地猛增。
- The McGill ice hockey rink is a swimming pool with the unusally warm winter Quebec is getting. 註冊以獲得一個免費帳號,或登入(如果你已經是會員)。
- They say that we are going to have a warmer winter this year. 據說今年冬天會比較暖和。
- In vegetation, acute injury by ??often results in an ivory coloration, but sometimes the coloration is reddish brown. 在植物方面,因二氧化硫嚴重損傷經常導致象牙色,但有時為紅棕色。