- I want to follow up this subject. 我想繼續研究這個問題。
- He failed to follow up my suggestion. 他沒有照著我的建議做下去。
- It is a dangerous plan, one you'll have to follow up on your own account. 這是一項危險的計劃,你要繼續幹下去,就得自己擔風險。
- Follow up the progress of each six sigma project. 跟蹤每個六西格碼的項目進度。
- You should follow up your letter with a phone call. 你應該寫完信以後再跟著打個電話。
- The police will follow up all possible leads. 警方將追蹤所有可能有用的線索。
- We can take care of that problem when we follow up. 等我們更進一步地了解問題后,就容易解決了。
- Follow up corrective and preventive action. 跟蹤糾正和預防措施。
- Follow up the Recommend Reports for the candidates. 跟進候選人推薦報告的製作;
- Arrange meeting and follow up programs. 協調產品部會議,並跟進計劃。
- Please call Mr. Smith to follow up the proposal. 請致電史密斯先生追蹤企劃案的進度。
- Lead the team follow up the cost saving projects. 領導團隊跟蹤實施成本節約項目。
- What would be a suitable follow up to the lesson? 什麼是適合於深入探究課文的?
- Stock check and shipment follow up. 庫存檢查和訂單跟蹤。
- Fulfill sales budget, follow up payment status. 完成銷售預算,跟蹤付款情況。
- You start the work, and I'll follow up. 你先開始工作, 我會接著做。
- Follow up 8D / PDCA for BI rejection. 跟進供應商8D/PDCA改善行動。
- Use this stored procedure to delete a device address when you are manually setting up device tracking. 手動設置設備跟蹤時,使用該存儲過程可刪除設備地址。
- Follow up specific projects as needed. 跟蹤需要的具體項目。
- What should we follow up after sales briefing? 會議結束后我們需要跟進那些事情?