- XII. Medical Treatment Period for Industrial Injury is the period that the employee receives medical treatment and industrial injury benefit for suffering industrial injury or occupational disease without work. 第十二條工傷醫療期:是指員工發生工傷或患職業病停止工作接受治療和領取工傷津貼的期限。
- industrial injuries benefits [法] 工傷津貼
- industrial injury benefit [經] 工傷補助
- The government has also promulgated the Provisional Measures on Insurance for Enterprise Employees Suffering from Industrial Injuries to ensure that workers get due compensation if hurt in the course of industrial production. 政府還頒布了《企業職工工傷保險試行辦法》,使勞動者在生產過程中受到傷害后能得到應有的補償。
- Based on the trade insurance rates,the specific premium rate of the year for an enterprise is decided according to its actual number of industrial injuries and risks and the outlays of the insurance funds in the previous year. 在行業費率的基礎上,根據企業上一年實際的工傷事故風險和工傷保險基金支出情況確定每個企業當年的具體費率。
- In the same year,the Standards for Appraising Industrial Injuries and Disabilities Caused by Occupational Diseases was adopted by the government department concerned,providing the basis for such appraisal. 同年,中國政府有關部門還制定了《職工工傷和職業病致殘程度鑒定標準》,為鑒定工傷和職業病致殘程度提供了依據。
- Based on the trade insurance rates, the specific premium rate of the year for an enterprise is decided according to its actual number of industrial injuries and risks and the outlays of the insurance funds in the previous year. 在行業費率的基礎上,根據企業上一年實際的工傷事故風險和工傷保險基金支出情況確定每個企業當年的具體費率。
- Development of the industrial injury and childbirth insurance systems shall be accelerated. 加快推進工傷保險與生育保險制度建設。
- The protection to be provided at the time of ratification in accordance with Standard A4.5, paragraph2, should at least include the branches of medical care, sickness benefit and employment injury benefit. 在批准公約時根據標準A4.;5第2款所提供的保護分項應至少包括醫療、病津貼和工傷津貼。
- Principle of proximate cause is accepted generally to distinguish insurance liability and exclusions, and industrial injuries cognizance is the precondition to pay injury insurance benefits. 摘要近因原則是商業保險中用於區分保險責任和非保險責任的一個被普遍認可的工作原則,工傷認定是確認是否進行工傷保險金給付的前提。
- Enterprises not having acceded to such scheme are responsible for covering the industrial injury expenses themselves. 沒有參加工傷保險的單位,仍由該單位承擔支付工傷待遇的責任。
- The rate of premiums is determined on the basis of the level of industrial injury risks and that of occupational danger in different trades. 根據不同行業的工傷事故風險和職業危害程度確定不同的行業費率;
- The company offers for internship the industrial injury insurance during intern period. 公司可為實習生在實習期間購買工傷保險;
- Industrial injury compensation system has important meaning to social stabilization and economic development. 工傷賠償法律制度關係到社會的穩定與經濟的發展。
- The rate of industrial injury insurance premium varies according to different trades, and it may fluctuate with the situation of the individual enterprise. 工傷保險繳費實行行業差別費率和企業浮動費率。
- Employment contract for the operation units, and industrial injury insurance duty by the labor relations unit commitment. 用人單位實行承包經營的,工傷保險責任由職工勞動關係所在單位承擔。
- The rate of industrial injury insurance premium varies according to different trades,and it may fluctuate with the situation of the individual enterprise. 工傷保險繳費實行行業差別費率和企業浮動費率。
- As one of the main parts of modern social security system, industrial injury insurance evolves from modern torts act.Several remedy system have been set up and coexisted. 摘要工傷保險制度由近代侵權行為法規範逐漸演變為現代社會保險之主要內容,並形成多種損害填補制度並存的局面。
- Enterprise staff and worker endowment insurance , medical insurance , industrial injury insurance , unemployment insurance, bear child which dangerous concrete content includes? 企業職工養老保險,醫療保險,工傷保險,失業保險、生育險的具體內容包括哪些?