- He always indulges in idle gossip. 他總是說長道短.
- We Marxists are revolutionary realists and never indulge in idle dreams. 我們馬克思主義者是革命的現實主義者,絕不作空想。
- At this late hour, you should not indulge in idle talk and had better do some real work to atone for your crimes. 時至今日,一切空話不必說了,還是做件切實的工作,藉以立功自贖為好。
- to indulge in idle retrospection 沉湎於無謂的回憶之中
- Don't always indulge in empty talk. 別總是紙上談兵。
- There is no need to indulge in such heroics. 根本沒有必要這樣肆意誇張。
- One hundred people indulging in idle talk are not equal to one person of action. 一百個講空話的人也不如一個實幹家。
- This is no time to indulge in sarcasm. 現在可不是一味諷刺挖苦的時候。
- You call a friendly conversation idle gossip? 您把友誼的閑談當作空話嗎?
- Do not give currency to idle gossip. 不要傳播閑言。
- We Marxists are revolutionary realists and never indulge in idle dreams 我們馬克思主義者是革命的現實主義者,絕不作空想。
- To indulge in the intemperate pursuit of pleasure. 放蕩,揮霍,耽樂沉溺於歡樂的無節制的追求中
- He indulged in idle fancy. 他沉溺於幻想之中。
- Indulge in arrogance, indulge in idleness, indulge in feasting, these are bad indulgences. 喜好以驕傲為樂,喜好淫逸放蕩,喜好飲宴為樂,這些喜好都使人受損。」
- Their friendship was turned to enmity through idle gossip. 由於聽信無聊的閑話,他們由朋友變成了敵人。
- Do solid work and don't indulge in fantasy. 要腳踏實地去干,不要想入非非。
- To indulge in self-dramatization. 沉溺於自我戲劇化
- To indulge in something to excess. 過分沉溺於某事
- If a man really have strong faith he can indulge in the luxury of skepticism. 假如一個人果真有強烈的信仰,就可以縱情享受(宗教上的)懷疑主義了。
- Do solid work and do not indulge in fantasy. 要腳踏實地去干,不要想入非非。