- The man was sentenced to deportation for robbery. 這個男人因犯盜竊罪被驅逐出境。
- The man spent several years in gaol for robbery. 這男人因犯搶劫罪而坐了幾年牢。
- He was given 5 years for robbery. 他因搶劫被判刑五年。
- That child was gaoled for robbery. 那個孩子因搶劫而坐牢。
- He is wanted for robbery and firearms offences. 他因涉嫌搶劫和涉槍犯罪而遭通緝。
- Tom is being tried for robbery with violence. 湯姆因暴力搶劫罪而受審。
- You see , the indemnity for a thermos bottle is 30 yuan . 等一下,這是賓館規定,您看,賠償一個熱水瓶是30元。
- The young man is being tried for robbery with violence. 正試圖證明那個年輕人用武力搶劫。
- Double Indemnity for Public Conveyance accidental death? 公共交通事故身故雙倍賠償?
- An executive in my company has a prison record for robbery. 公司的一位管理人員有因為搶劫而坐牢的犯罪記錄。
- Double Indemnity for Bodily Injury due to Public Conveyance Accident. 公共交通工具意外雙倍保障。
- Under this treaty,they were to pay an indemnity for five million dollars. 根據這項條約,他們應賠款500萬美元。
- Here are the rules .You see , the indemnity for a thermos bottle is 30 yuan . 等一下,這是賓館規定,您看,賠償一個熱水瓶是30元。
- The punishments for robbery and murder are prescribed in the penal code. 對搶劫和兇殺的懲罰在刑法中有明文規定。
- Compensation or indemnity for loss owing for breach of contract, or a tort (civil wrong). 由於合同違約或侵權行為(民事糾紛)所致的損失的賠償或補償.
- The innocent victims of the riot demanded indemnity for the lawless violence to which they had been subjected. 暴亂中的無辜受害者要求對他們所遭受的非法侵犯作出賠償
- It shall be liable for paying indemnity for the losses caused by an insured accident within the scope of the insured amount. 對於保險事故造成的損失,在保險金額的範圍內承擔賠償責任。
- Although traditional law of torts attaches importance to the indemnity for damages, removing endangerment should be widely applied in this field. 傳統侵權法注重賠償損失,在環境侵權領域應倡導排除危害之廣泛適用。
- For any overdue goods, parcel, or luggage, the railway transport enterprise shall be liable to indemnity for breach of contract. 逾期運到的,鐵路運輸企業應當支付違約金。
- The two wenches swore home to the fact, and the jury found the bill against me for robbery and house-breaking. 那兩個姑娘堅決地說那是真正的事實,陪審官又看到狀子,控告我偷竊和入室行劫。