State of the activity that is related to the event. 與該事件相關的活動狀態。
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the active state. 與目標對象關聯的事務處於活動狀態。
A Small signal model set up through the aid of state space average method can do a world of good for Conducting high frequency Switching Power supply stable analysis. 推證出用狀態空間平均法建立小信號模型對高頻開關電源進行穩定性分析的方法。
The random excitations are first transformed into pseudo excitations before the non-uniformly modulated evolutionary random models are expressed by state space equations. 先用虛擬激勵法將隨機荷載化為確定性荷載,然後將非均勻調製演變隨機模型用狀態方程表示。