"My complaint journalists, " a friend of mine once said, "is not that they behave badly in the course of duty, but their inability to recoil into a human being when it's over." "我對記者不滿意", 我的一位朋友說,"並非因為他們在完成任務的過程中表現得差勁,而是因為在事情都完結了以後他們仍然不能恢復其做為人的本性。"
The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument. 該書的缺點在於作者未能把論證展開。
His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage. 他不會說法語,這使他很吃虧。
The persistent inability to conceive a child. 不孕持續的不能懷孕的能力