- The man hit him sock in the eye. 那個男人一拳正好打在他的眼睛上。
- He nearly poked me in the eye with his stick. 他的竿子幾乎扎著我的眼睛。
- In the eyes of my parents, I'm forever a child. 在我父母的心目中,我永遠是個孩子。
- He once did me such an unscrupulous shot in the eye. 他曾經如此肆無忌憚地惡意中傷過我。
- He looked her squarely in the eye. 他直盯著她眼睛看。
- In this operation the surgeons implant a new lens (in the eye). 醫生在這次手術中給病人(眼球)植入了新的水晶體。
- The present railway collision is an inevitable accident in the eye of law. 此次火車相撞事件,就法律觀點來看是一場無法避免的災禍。
- We bid each other farewell with tears in the eyes. 我倆含淚而別。
- In the eyes of the law you are not an adult. 從法律的角度看你還沒有成年。
- All men are equal in the eyes of the law. 法律面前人人平等。
- In the eyes of my parents,I am forever a child. 在我父母的心目中,我永遠是個孩子。
- In the eyes of the law,he should be not yet guilty. 從法律的觀點來看,他現在還是無罪的。
- One of the stones got him in the eye. 一塊石頭擊中了他的眼睛。
- In the eyes of a lover pockmarks are. 在情人眼裡,麻子也成了可愛的酒窩。
- In the eyes of history, he was a patriot. 從歷史角度來看,他是一個愛國主義者。
- In the eyes of law, it is an offence. 在法律上,這是犯罪。
- It's nothing but a little infection in the eyes. 只不過是眼睛有感染。
- He found favour in the eyes of many people. 他獲得很多人的好感。
- You are only a child in the eyes of your teacher. 在老師眼裡你只是個孩子。
- But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. 惟有挪亞在耶和華眼前蒙恩。