- To believe in sb is to have confidence in sb and trust him. 表示的是對某人有信心,信任某人。
- Step by step he gained the child』s confidence. 他一步一步地獲得了這孩子的信任。
- Don't put trust in sb who always change his mind! 別信任那些總改變主意的人!
- The grandees of OPEC presumably share the IEA's confidence. OPEC的貴族們大概也有同感。
- Weak or vulnerable point; fault, esp in sb s character, which can lead to his downfall. 致命弱點;(尤指某人個性中可導致一敗塗地的)缺陷。
- METHODS Using data from The Third National Health Services Survey to compute SRB and it?s confidence interval. 方法利用第3次國家衛生服務調查的資料,計算不同人口社會學特徵人群的出生性別比及其95%25可信區間。
- Fissler』s confidence comes with a five-year No Peel Guarantee under any circumstances . 請您在第一次使用它的時候對它溫柔一些,因為所有的不粘鍋表面都拒絕過高的溫度,或者是長時間加熱空鍋。
- The major investment highlights Eaton』s confidence in the Chinese economy and signifies its continued growth in the region. 這一重要的投資舉措不僅表明伊頓對中國經濟發展充滿信心,也顯示了公司在中國市場業務的持續快速增長。
- Consociational Democracy has some main flaws which affected people"s confidence for this theory, which posed challenges to Lijphart. 結盟民主理論存在著一些重要的缺陷,在很大程度上影響了人們對結盟民主的信心,是利普哈特不得不應對的挑戰。
- No longer believe that sb is going to be successful; lose hope in sb. 不再相信某人會成功;對某人失望。
- Abstract: Regular announcement on drinking water quality to the public by water authority is an important act to set up the consumer"s confidence on the safety of drinking water. 文摘:自來水水質公告是自來水公司向社會發布水質信息,使用戶建立對自來水水質的信心的重要措施。
- "We are encouraged by BP's confidence in our ability to provide system design, configuration, staging, acceptance testing, commissioning, and start-up support. BP公司對我們提供系統設計、設置、配置、驗收測試、調試以及啟動支持的能力非常有信心,我們為此深受鼓舞。
- misplace one's confidence in sb. 誤信某人
- IBS% was lower in SB group than in SN group(P<0.05),and CVIB in SB group is higher(P<0.05). 與SN組相比;SB組心肌IBS%25降低(P<0.;05);CVIB增高(P<0
- I have every confidence in our success. 我對我們的勝利充滿信心。
- I mentioned a moment ago that in the past year a series of public health incidents,most notably the outbreak of avian influenza,had affected the public s confidence in our food safety and environmental hygiene standards. 我剛才也提到,過去一年,多宗公眾衛生事故,尤其是禽流感事件,打擊了市民對食物安全和環境衛生服務的信心。
- I have the most perfect confidence in your indiscretion. 我對你的輕率魯莽具有全副信心。
- Ancelotti』s confidence in the Antonelli was confirmed when he said: 『Normally I say that it isn』t easy to play a youth player in a delicate moment, but with him we are able to do it. 安切洛蒂對安東內利很有信心,他說:「在當今這個時候使用一名年輕球員並不是那麼容易,但是安東內利能夠做得很好。」
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一陣風穿過樹林沙沙作響。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英語字母表中有26個字母。