- Everything falls into sb.'s lap. (某人)事事順利。
- Don't put trust in sb who always change his mind! 別信任那些總改變主意的人!
- With time elapsing, the flaps collapse up on his clapper\'s lap. 隨著時間流逝,袋蓋在拍手者的膝上堆疊起來。
- To believe in sb is to have confidence in sb and trust him. 表示的是對某人有信心,信任某人。
- It is wrong, however, for the program to just dump the problem on a user』s lap and wipe its hands of the matter. 但是如果程序只是將問題堆在用戶身上,撒手不管,這是不對的。
- Weak or vulnerable point; fault, esp in sb s character, which can lead to his downfall. 致命弱點;(尤指某人個性中可導致一敗塗地的)缺陷。
- Traffic management,congestion control and quality-of-service (QoS) issues that until recently fell on ATM's lap now become Gigabit Ethernet's concern. 流量管理、擁擠控制以及最近才落到ATM頭上的服務質量(QoS)問題,現在也成了千兆位乙太網關心的問題。
- C' mon. he cried, lifting the dashboard from Heather' s lap and sliding his arms beneath her shoulders. But he couldn't wrench her free. 「來吧!」他高聲說道,一邊將儀錶板從希瑟的腿上搬開,將自己胳膊插到她的腋下。但卻無法將她拉出來。
- C' mon! he cried, lifting the dashboard from Heather' s lap and sliding his arms beneath her shoulders. But he couldn't wrench her free. 「來吧!」他高聲說道,一邊將儀錶板從希瑟的腿上搬開,將自己胳膊插到她的腋下。但卻無法將她拉出來。
- Traffic management, congestion control and quality-of-service (QoS) issues that until recently fell on ATM's lap now become Gigabit Ethernet's concern. 流量管理、擁擠控制以及最近才落到atm頭上的服務質量(QoS)問題,現在也成了千兆位乙太網關心的問題。
- No longer believe that sb is going to be successful; lose hope in sb. 不再相信某人會成功;對某人失望。
- And recently it looked as if the government would plop into the DPJ's lap after a general election that must take place by September. 而且,依最近趨勢,隨著首相麻生太郎的支持率直線下降,在9月眾議院改選后,政權極可能落入民主黨手中。
- Nissan engineers recently lowered the GT-R』s lap time from 7 minutes 29 seconds to 7 minutes 27 seconds, but apparently found the supercar had a little more to give. 日產公司的工程師最近降低了燃氣輪機受體的單圈時間從7分29秒7分鐘27秒,但顯然已經發現了超級多一點給.
- He was reared in the lap of luxury. 他在奢侈的環境中長大。
- It wasn't long ago that the public spitting contest between Nissan and Porsche regarding the GT-R's lap time around the famed Nurburgring was in the spotlight. 不久前,市民隨地吐痰之間關於日產和保時捷GT的受體的圈速在著名的紐博格林是在聚光燈下。
- On his father\'s lap he learnt by heart the names of his ancestors and the hymns to the gods and goddesses, and at the village school he was taught to read and write. 他坐在父親雙腿上的時候,就用心記住了祖先的名字,還有神和女神的讚美詩。
- IBS% was lower in SB group than in SN group(P<0.05),and CVIB in SB group is higher(P<0.05). 與SN組相比;SB組心肌IBS%25降低(P<0.;05);CVIB增高(P<0
- She has fall asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡著了,腿上還攤開著一本書。
- She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡著了,腿上還攤開著一本書。
- Harris go on top in the last lap. 哈利斯在最後一圈跑到了最前面。