in one的用法和樣例:
- The parallels seem to come together in the distance.
平行線在遠處看上去似交合在一起。 - The family together earned one hundred dollars a week.
- in one piece 完整無損的
- in one respect 在一個方面
- in one swoop 一舉
- give all one has in the shop 儘力打擊
- in one breath 齊聲地(立刻...
- put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一擲
- lie in the bed one has made 自作自受
- have all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一擲
- in words of one syllable 用淺顯明了的話說...
- have one foot in the grave 風燭殘年
- in one ear and out the other 右耳進左耳出,聽過即...
- all in one 一致(合而為一...
- fill one in on 為某人提供進一步的事...
- have fight in one 有鬥志,有戰鬥力...
- in one scoop 一舀就
- one in a thousand 無比優秀(獨一無二的...
- be in one tale 一致於
- be deaf in one ear 聾了一隻耳朵...
- in one lump 一次全部地
- be in one mind 意見一致