- Canteen supplier selection and quarterly survey to improve service quality. 員工餐廳衛生管理以及供餐公司的季度評估與選擇,提升員工滿意度。
- Project manager works out feasible solutions to improve service quality with the whole team. 項目經理根據情況,提出可行的解決方案,以提高整個團隊的服務質量。
- Standardization management is effective way to improve service quality for outpatients. 規範化管理是提高門診服務質量的有效途徑。
- Upon this assumption the present paper suggests five approaches to improve service quality for readers. 本文以此為基礎,提出了提升圖書館讀者服務質量的五大戰略。
- The emphasis of his speech is improving service quality. 他的演講強調的是改善服務質量。
- How the commodity of cheap of proffer beautiful price, improve service quality, it is the key with a shopping successful website. 如何提供物美價廉的商品、提高服務質量,是一個購物網站成功的關鍵。
- In order to adapt itself to the requirements of new market,Guangyuan machinery will continuously innovate and improve service quality. 廣源機械,為適應新的市場需求,不斷創新,不斷提高服務質量。
- Corporations contact tightly each other, and team up to work, to seek reduction cost, to improve service quality and realize the most profit in the SC. 供應鏈上節點企業緊密聯繫,結成夥伴關係,進行協作運營,共同尋求降低運營成本的途徑,提高服務水平,實現供應鏈整體利潤最大化。
- The objective of optimization was to minimize the total transportation cost and improve service quality through collaborative scheduling among supplier, manufacturer and hauler. 優化目標是通過供應商、製造商及運輸的聯合調度來提高客戶服務水平,降低運輸費用。
- The development of new products, improve enterprise management, the market dynamics, improve service quality and meet customer requirements is the business objective. 開發新的產品,完善企業管理,掌握市場動態,提高服務質量及滿足客戶的要求是企業的經營目標。
- By such means as organizing surveys on customer satisfaction and setting up customer councils,views from all circles are to be collected and made public to urge enterprises to improve service quality. 通過組織用戶滿意度調查、組建用戶委員會等多種形式,廣泛收集各方面的意見,及時向社會公布,督促企業改善服務和提高質量。
- By such means as organizing surveys on customer satisfaction and setting up customer councils, views from all circles are to be collected and made public to urge enterprises to improve service quality. 通過組織用戶滿意度調查、組建用戶委員會等多種形式,廣泛收集各方面的意見,及時向社會公布,督促企業改善服務和提高質量。
- It's the fundamental function of Passenger Information System (PIS) to ease passenger traffic,improve service quality,ensure safe and efficient operations,and increase economic benefits. 疏導客流,提高服務質量,確保安全高效運營,增加收益是乘客資訊系統根本功能;
- We are well aware services indefinitely,i think bank should be in the ever-changing market, improve service quality and competitiveness of products. 我們深知服務無止境,我認為銀行須在千變萬化的市場中,不斷提高服務水平和產品競爭力。
- ATE plays a more and more important role in the test and repair of aircraft avionics, and can considerably improve servicing quality and efficiency. 自動測試設備 ATE(Auto-Test Equipment)在機載電子設備的檢測與維護工程中應用日益廣泛,對保證維修質量、提高維修效率有著重要意義。
- Competition has resulted in a substantial reduction in International Direct Dialing call rates and improved service quality. 市場競爭使國際直通電話服務的收費大幅下降,但服務質素卻更勝從前。
- Compared with no priority, conditional priority has improved service quality by keeping reasonable arrival iotervals at BRT stations. 與無信號優先的定時控制相比,採用有條件信號優先可以維持BRT車輛合理的抵站間隔,提高服務質量。
- We hold market trends timely, improving products quality continuously, developing new products and improving service quality insistently. 產品銷售全國各地及出口東南亞、歐美等國家和地區。
- I joined Schlumberger in April 1984 and my typical working day is about continuously improving service quality and looking for more opportunities for business. 1984年4月加入Schlumberger,我的職責是持續改善服務質量並尋求更多的商業機會。
- We hope can provide the reference of the library monitoring mechanism of establishing the self-management, strengthening self-control and improving service quality continually. 希望能為圖書館建立完善自我管理、加強自我控制與持續改進服務質量的監控機制提供參考。