- The days when the Chinese people had to rely on imported oil are gone forever. 中國人民依靠洋油的日子已經一去不復返了。
- Failing to rein in our dependence on imported oil gives leverage to undemocratic and unstable regimes. 美國不加控制地依賴進口石油,給不民主和不穩定的政權以可利用的極好機會。
- Why America can't stop importing oil heavily? 美國為什麼擺脫不了大量進口石油的痼疾?
- This policy explains part of the continued growth of U.S. dependence on imported oil. 這項政策部分地說明了美國為什麼日益依賴進口石油。
- That is roughly the equivalent of two decades of imported oil from Saudi Arabia. 粗略的來說這相當於從沙烏地阿拉伯二十年間進口的石油量。
- Performances of the luboil developed by us have come up to the level of same kind of imported oil. 其各項性能達到同類進口油水平。
- Asian and European carmakers in the US have expressed doubts about their Detroit-based rivals' aggressive push to use ethanol instead of imported oil. 美國市場上的亞洲和歐洲汽車製造商對美積極推行用乙醇替代進口石油的做法提出了質疑。
- Lee tied the won's decline to the trade deficit that emerged as SouthKorea paid higher prices for imported oil, food and other commodities. 該公司還下調了對目前至明年上半年期間存儲晶元銷售量的預期。
- Sweden, which must import oil for seventy percent of its energy needs, had six reactors in service at the time and six more under construction. 瑞典所需要的能源70%25靠進口石油,當時有六個反應堆在工作,還有六個在建設中。
- Our innovations can help China reduce dependence on imported oil, clean thair, turn agricultural residue into higher-value products, and generate electricity. 我們這種把農業殘餘物轉化為電能及價值較高的產品的創新可以幫助中國減少對進口石油的依賴並且凈化空氣。
- Comparing with imported oil, the RF - 2 volatilizing punching oil increases the acceptance rate of aluminum fin - stock, and extends the service period of die. 與進口油相比,RF-2揮發性衝壓油提高了鋁翅片的合格率,延長了模具的使用周期。
- The regulation is an abbreviated version of the initiative launched by Congress and the Bush administration in 2007 to reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil and cut tailpipe emissions. 調整最先於2007年度由美國國會和布希政府的提議,此次精簡實施,旨在減少美國對進口油的依賴和汽車尾氣排放量。
- A comparison between FCD series main shaft oil and imported oil was made, indicating that it can completely be used instead of imported oil, and its life is longer than imported oil. FCD系列主軸油完全可以替代進口油,且壽命高於進口油品。
- The Chinese have recently improved relations with Chad, which also has important oil reserves and is fighting rebels in eastern provinces. 近來中國正在和查德發展關係,因為查德也有重要的石油儲量,同時查德在西部省區也有反政府武裝叛亂。
- They have already changed 40% of their fuel to ethanol, so they are no longer dependant on foreign imported oils. 在巴西,他們已經將其燃料的40%25用乙醇替代,從此他們不再依賴從國外進口石油。
- Cutting the growth of its carbon emissions happens to fit well with China's longstanding campaign to use energy less wastefully and reduce its dependence on imported oil (see chart 4). 中國一直致力於提高能效及減少對進口石油的依賴(見表四),削減二氧化碳排放恰與上述目標一致。
- Yuqi block in the north of the Akekule arch,Tarim basin is an important oil &gas exploration area in the Tahe Oilfield. 塔里木盆地阿克庫勒凸起北部於奇探區是塔河油區外圍重要的油氣探區。
- When we are importing oil, You claim it as "exploitation of Africa and support of genocide". 當我們購買石油時,你們嚷嚷著「剝削非洲和支持種族屠殺」。
- The site application shows that HG type DRA has remarkable drag reduction effect and throughput increasing capacity for imported oils. 現場應用結果表明,HG減阻劑對於多種進口原油均具有較好的減阻效果和增輸能力。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把頭梳得光溜溜的。