- From this we can see her impeccable moral integrity. 從這件事上,我們看到了她白璧無暇的美好心靈。
- Faultless; perfect; flawless white jade; impeccable moral integrity; no flaw in the whitejade 沒有斑痕的白玉,比喻十全十美,無可挑剔
- He is a noble man of moral integrity. 他是一個節操高尚的人。
- He is a person of great moral integrity. 他骨頭很硬。
- She is staunch with moral integrity in her temperament. 她的性情十分剛烈。
- A man of moral integrity does not fear any slanderous attack. 人正不怕影子斜。
- In addition,the stars need to preserve their moral integrity. 另外,明星們也有必要潔身自好。
- Where moral integrity and benevalent rule are prevalent. 德行天下。
- Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life. 道德,無私心就是生命的花。
- She is staunchwith moral integrity in her temperament. 她的性情十分剛烈。
- She is staunched with moral integrity in her temperament. 她的性情十分剛烈。
- In ad-dition, the stars need to preserve their moral integrity. 另外,明星們也有必要潔身自好。
- He made too much of reputation, and moral integrity all his life. 他這個人一生對名節都非常看重。
- Dipa Ma was chosen not only for her powers of concentration but also for her impeccable morality. 蒂帕嬤被選中,不僅因為她的定力,也是因為她有無可挑剔的德行。
- People say that moral integrity is more important than knowledge. 品節與學問相比,人們都說品節更為重要。
- The investigation reflects on the moral integrity of the congressmen involved. 調查結果表明有關議員的道德很有問題。
- I became a refugee rather than return to our village precisely because I had a little moral integrity left. 我所以寧可逃出來做難民,不肯回鄉,也不過為了這一點點氣節。
- QING Wen is the prettiest girl in Grand View Garden, and the maid with moral integrity in servants group. 晴雯在大觀園裡是公認的最俏麗的丫頭,也是曹雪芹所塑造的奴婢群體中最少奴顏媚骨、最不乖覺或說最不守本分的女奴。
- We need to effectively improve social credibility and gradually develop moral standards throughout society based on honesty and moral integrity. 切實加強社會信用建設,逐步在全社會形成誠信為本、操守為重的良好風尚。
- He was proud of his impeccable pedigree. 他為他出身於名門望族而驕傲。