- Dealing with contingencies chiefly means handling,according to law,sudden illegal incidents endangering state security or social order,such as revolts,riots and disturbances,fights with weapons and other group activities that endanger public security. 處置突發事件,主要是對突然發生的危害國家安全或者社會秩序的違法事件依法實施處置,包括處置叛亂事件、騷亂及暴亂事件、群體性治安、械鬥事件等。
- Such incidents often presage war. 那樣的事件常成為戰爭的前兆。
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收費項目。
- The dictator represses all opposition as illegal. 這個獨裁者把所有反對他的活動均視為非法加以鎮壓。
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他們投機購買穀物是不合法的。
- He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant. 他承認他是非法移民。
- Abortion is illegal in this country. 人工流產在這個國家是不合法的。
- It's illegal to carry guns in our country. 在我們國家,攜帶槍支是違法的。
- Her diaries throw a new light upon certain incidents. 她的日記對一些事件提供了新的解釋。
- It's illegal to sell opium in our country. 在我們國家,賣鴉片是違法的。
- It's illegal to read people's private letters without permission. 未經允許看別人的私人信件是不合法的。
- Several incidents have been welded into an interesting narrative. 幾個情節曲被融合成一個有趣的故事。
- He went into illegal business to feather his nest. 他做非法生意以達到營私之目的。
- Whereas the following incidents have occurred ... 鑒於下列事件業已發生...
- Abortion is illegal in some states. 墮胎在某些州是非法的。
- Illegal non-payment of tax is "tax evasion". 不合法的不上稅是"逃稅"。
- His illegal deal is steadily milking the profit from the business. 他在搞非法交易不斷榨取公司的利潤。
- The author wove the incidents together into one story. 作者把那些事件編成一個故事。
- The city experienced over 2,000 such incidents last year. 去年這座城市發生過二千次以上這類事件。
- A wrong or illegal deed; a wrongdoing. 違法行為錯誤的或非法的行為; 錯誤的行為